
Better Homes And Gardens Leighton Platform Bed

Sherlock Holmes 7: Crimes & Punishments

By frogwares studios

Walkthrough by MaGtRo   September 2014

Gameplay: This is a combination keyboard and mouse adventure game.

The main menu has continue, cases, new game, options, load and exit.

Play more, contact us and credits are at bottom left of the page.

New game will change the cases automatically from first case to last during gameplay.

Cases:   After you have played the whole game linearly - if you want to play individual games:  scroll using the arrow to see the cases in the game. Click on "play game" to choose the case you want to play independently. Scroll using the arrow to see the cases in the game: The Fate of Black Peter, Riddle on the Rails, Blood Bath, The Abbey Grange Affair, The Kew Gardens Drama and A Half Moon Walk.

Options have video, audio, gameplay and how to play.

Video has resolution, fullscreen, vsync, shadows, post process, gamma, textures quality, details quality and antialiasing selections.

Audio has adjustments for master, voice, music, effects and ambient volumes.

Gameplay has selections for mouse sensitivity, left and right sticks sensitivity, invert camera Y and X and subtitles.

How to play can be accessed using the F1 key. It shows the keyboard keys used in game manipulations.

ESC key exits to main menu.

Casebook:    Tab key accesses the casebook (book icon). The tab key also toggles back to game screen.

Casebook has tabs with icons at top of the book for: tasks, map, evidences, documents, dialogs, trophies, messages, character portraits and deduction.

Task shows the aim of the next set of actions needed to progress in the game.

Map shows the different locations that you can jump to.

Evidences are items or information obtained to be used in the game. Some evidence has special tooltip that shows that they need further investigation.

Documents are records (newspaper, researched information, letters, etc...) that are evidence or clues in the game.

Dialogs are logs of the conversations in the game. They might contain clues.

Chronicles shows the conclusion of cases done.

Souvenirs shows what Holmes has taken from other solved cases.

Echoes are messages or other documents that came about from the choice in previous cases.

Character portraits are summaries of an observation of a person.

Deduction are correlations of collected evidence and observations.

Saves:    The game autosaves when the game is closed and at certain checkpoints in the game. Use the "continue" to open were you left in the game. Load screen shows the autosaves.

The saved game folder is located in My documents - My games - Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishments - SH7Game folder.

Alert icons:    An eye icon when seen during gameplay denotes an action or evidence is close by.

Press the T key to find a clue that is not otherwise seen - Sherlock Talent.

A star icon when seen during gameplay denotes that a clue is obtained.

Task has a black check mark in orange icon.

Italicized texts in the walkthrough are clues-evidences, deductions and conclusions.

Deduction icons:

Deduction alerts are seen as neurons - brain cell icons.

Deduction space icon that is a cell only indicates that some of your clues can form an important deduction and improve your progress in the investigation.

Deduction space icon that is a cell with number indicates a new clue.

Deduction space icon that is a cell with an exclamation point indicates that you have found sufficient clues to accuse one of the suspects.

Using the neuron deduction chart: Click on B key and see text clues floating in screen.

Text clue
- Click on a clue and select another supporting clue to get a correlation. See the explanations at bottom of screen.

Correlation - Blue text shows correlation while red text shows that the clues do not match.

The correlation is now a small cell with exclamation point.

- Click on the correlation which is now a neuron to read a description.

Blue cell is a possible correct analysis. Red coloring means they do not match.

Cell with 2 colors means there are 2 possible analysis.

Press the space bar to go back one level as needed.

Select an analyzed cell with 2 colors - Click on the single 2 - colored cell and select the analysis of choice (shown by 2 frames with descriptions).

Large white cell
- When there are enough correlated analysis; a deduction is automatically formed (can be single cell or 2 if bi-colored).


Brown cell - When there are sufficient deduction obtained; a final conclusion (brown cell) is reached.

Cylinder lock puzzle guide:

The aim of the puzzle is to align the lines in all layers - tubes of the cylinder lock.

There are lines on each tube layer of the cylinder.

The scroll wheel switches tube layer of the cylinder.

Left click-turn rotates selected layer of the cylinder.

Right click-turn rotates all the layers.

  • Check all the square openings by rotating all layers - tubes or the top layers.

  • Note the lines on top layer and position other lines on different layers accordingly.

  • Some layers might need to be slid in or locked into another tube in that layer.

  • Some layers might need to be moved left or right to position that layer with lines of another layer.

  • Work the solution by layers.

  • Rotate the tube layers to see how long the lines are. This will clue in to which line it should be aligned to.

  • There is a skip for all these puzzles.


221B Baker Street:

Relieve boredom:    Watson reading in his room hears gunshots and rushes to the sitting room.

See a blindfolded Sherlock Holmes firing his pistol and using vases as his targets.

Watson crouches behind the small table in front of fireplace.

Take cover. Go forward to the sofa.

Go behind the dining room table.

Go around and forward to Holmes by the window.

New case:    Holmes listens to sounds coming from the stairs outside the apartment and deduces that Lestrade is here.

Inspector Lestrade walks in. He wants to try the blindfolded target shooting.

He has a new case for Holmes. It is about the murder of Peter Carey also known as Black Peter.

Black Peter Carey is 50 years old born in 1845. He retired in 1884 with a small fortune obtained from seal and whale hunting around Scandinavia. He bought and lived for 6 years in a property called Woodsman's Lee near Forest Row in Sussex. He died there yesterday.

Inspector Lestrade has to go back to the Yard. The Merry Men robbed a powder reserve. Doctor Watson has to see patient. Holmes will go alone to Woodman's Lee to meet Lestrade.

Select a suit to wear and join Lestrade at Woodman's Lee:

Go to Holmes' bedroom.

Change clothes:    Open the wardrobe. Select the outfit you want Holmes to wear. Use the arrow framing the outfit description.

Some outfits are locked and are inappropriate under the circumstance.

You can go out to the living room and look around or talk to Mrs. Hudson.

Telescope:    Look through the telescope and meet Holmes new neighbor across the street - Danny the Anvil.

Travel:    Use the map to go to Woodman's Lee.

Talk to witness about last night:

Go to Lestrade standing beside Mrs. Carey right of the house.

Talk to Mrs. Carey:     Click to select the dialogue.

At 2 AM, Mrs. Carey heard a scream. Peter screams when he is drunk and stays in the cabin.

She saw that the door was open at 7 AM. She finally went in the cabin at 10 AM and found him murdered.

They don't get many visitors here.

Profile of Mrs. Carey:    Click on the character icon and check the physical features of Mrs. Carey and items around her.

Press A key to move down. Press D key to go back up and use ESC key to exit close up. Press space bar to skip the puzzle.

The circle turns dark blue on areas to be checked.

Click on the cameo.

Click on the cross of the Catholic rosary she has on her wrist.

Click on the bird on the cover of the diary - ornate book. There is a crested tit on the cover of the diary.

Click on the gardening gloves.

Click on the birdhouse on the table.

Read Judith Carey's character portrait in the casebook.

Interrogate Mrs. Carey:    Talk to Mrs. Carey again about meeting her husband in Plymouth.

Q Key:     Immediately click on Q key when it appears to continue the interrogation. Select the topic that corroborate the discussion to continue the investigation.

Select pilgrimage. Learn that the couple met at Plymouth after her pilgrimage to Spain.

Enter the cabin:

Go down the stone steps by the tool shed close to the constable to go to the cabin.

Garden:    Look at the well kept garden left or right of the stone path.

Talk to Lestrade.

Door:    Try to open the locked door. Lestrade locked it yesterday.

Lestrade notices something while trying to unlock the door. Someone tried to force the door open.

Scratches:    Go to the door.

Use the T key (eye icon) of your keyboard to see clues or evidence that are not easily seen. Examine the door.

Examine the scratches on the door. The scratches are fresh.

Window:    Examine the window behind the constable.

Inspect the crime scene at Woodman's Lee.

Examine the body of Peter Carey:

Enter the cabin and look around.

Murder Victim:    Examine the body of Peter Carey.

Examine Peter Carey's face.

Examine Peter Carey's clothes - left side of his head. He is fully dressed and might know his murderer.

Examine the pierced chest. The force of the blow is immense for the weapon to penetrate his body.

Examine the harpoon. It is a whaling harpoon. Peter Carey's body was impaled to the wall with a harpoon.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Pool of blood:    Examine the pool of blood on his pants to move to the blood on the floor.

Knife:    Take the sea knife. The blade shows no sign of use.

Examine the handle to note the plain and solid handle.

Examine the blade.

Notebook:    Take notebook from the pool of blood.

Examine the J.H.N. inscription on the cover of the notebook.

Examine the blood at bottom right corner of the notebook cover. A leather notebook is stained with blood, which indicates that it was dropped into the pool of blood after the murder.

Open the notebook. Examine the abbreviations written in the notebook.

Look around the cabin:

Table:    Look close at table left of door.

Examine the 2 dirty glasses. Someone drank from it recently.

Examine the bottle of rum.

Tobacco pouch:   Take the tobacco pouch.

Initials:    Click on P.C. initials. The pouch is made from seal skin and the initials are crudely burned into it.

Tobacco:  Rotate the pouch. Open the flap.

Rotate the pouch to see the tobacco inside. Examine the tobacco.

Recreate the ship:    Reconstruct the ship to help Holmes remember.

See lines of a ship and outline of pipe and tobacco leaf.

Rotate (right click-hold-move) to put together the ship lines. Release the mouse button when the lines-parts are combined.

Turn the ship to face left. Combine the sails and body of the ship first.

Left click to select and then left click-hold move the tobacco leaf and the smoking pipe to combine parts (end pieces) of the ship to the main body.

There is a skip button.

It has coarse tobacco, quite strong and very popular among sailors.

Ship's nameplate:    Examine the ship's nameplate - Sea Unicorn left of dead Peter Carey. It is the name of the ship Peter Carey commanded.

Harpoon rack:    Check the harpoon rack above the chest on long back wall. The murder weapon must have been taken from this rack.

Wooden chest:    Open the wooden chest left of the net. Examine the chest contents.

Take Peter Carey's boots. It is size 8. Examine the navigation tools.

Ship's log:    Check the shelves left of the harpoon rack. It has the ship logs from the Sea Unicorn from 1878-1884.

Shelf:     Examine the shelf right of the door. Examine the sperm whale tooth.

Press T key to see suspicious empty space - outline in the dust. A small box or chest must have been taken from here.

Map:    Examine the map right of door. Examine the route from Dundee at bottom left to Hammerfest at top.

Look around outside:

Footprints:    Walk the path close to the constable searching the garden. See footprints on the ground in front of the constable.

Press T key to see the stone path and footprints.

Use Carey's boots on the footprints. Drag down the boots. The boots do not match the footprints.

Mrs. Carey:   Go back to Mrs. Carey and talk to her.

Peter Carey had given up smoking a long time ago, but he might still have kept the pouch.

Judith Carey says that her husband took care of the garden himself.

There had been a tin box in the cabin, not much larger than a book.

Task - Deduction:

Open deduction using the B key.

Select - click on a floating text clue and select a correlating clue. See the description of the clues at bottom of screen.

If correlated; it will be blue; erroneous correlation is in red.

Break in attempts + notebook = An ambush must be made tonight to see if the break-in attempt will be repeated.

Organize an ambush with Lestrade:

Talk to Lestrade. They plan to hide and wait for another break in by the suspect. He would have better tools now.

Go to the right side of the cabin close to cement wall and then to the back of the cabin.

Click on the back window - perfect hiding place.

An intruder enters the cabin. Lestrade and his men apprehend the intruder.

Go around to the front and enter the cabin. Lestrade arrests John Hopley Neligan.

Examine John Hopley Neligan's belongings:

Holmes arrives at Scotland Yard.

Talk to the constable behind the counter. John Neligan is in the interrogation room and his belongings are in the evidence room.

Evidence room:    Go the hallway at left and enter the first door at right.

Examine Neligan's belongings on the table.

Take the ring. Examine the inscription inside the ring - from R Dawson to my friend and partner, 1883. Rotate to view all the inscription.

Examine the handkerchief. It has initials J.H.N.

Examine the pocket knife.

Open the notebook. Examine the abbreviations.

A notebook with a blood stain on its cover, indicating that it was dropped into the pool of blood after the murder. It belongs to Neligan.

Interrogate John Hopley Neligan at Scotland Yard.

Interrogation room:    Exit the room and go through the grilled gate at end of hallway. Enter the door at left.

Talk to Neligan:    Neligan believes that explaining about the abbreviations will make things worse.

When shown the bloody knife, Neligan states that he didn't kill anyone.

When asked about the ring - press the Q key to ask about the ring's engraving.

Profile of Neligan:    Press the character icon to examine Neligan closer.

Check the hat. Neligan wears a shabby cap.

Check the neck. Neligan has thin neck.

Check the stitches at left shoulders. There's a patch on his coat.

Check the coat sleeves by shoulder. The coat is made of expensive fabric.

Check the coat's buttons. The coat has elaborate buttons.

Check the coat's sleeves by wrist. The coat has short sleeves and not fit Neligan.

Check the hand. The hands and fingers have callus.

Check the other hand. The hand has scars.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Interrogate Neligan: Ask about the ring's owner.

Press the Q key. Select Father's jacket as corroborating evidence. Holmes explains his deductions.

What is John Neligan's role in all that?

Newspapers:    Jump to Baker Street.

Go to the archives framing the fireplace. To the left are research books and documents on sciences or other cultural sources. Right of fireplace are newspapers.

Go to the newspaper right of fireplace. Search Dawson, 1883.

Read about Dawson and Neligan bankrupt.

A newspaper article describes Dawson and Neligan Investment Fund, following its bankruptcy and Joshua Neligan's disappearance.

Learn that Joshua Neligan disappeared and was last seen aboard his yacht preparing for departure to Norway.

Press E key to continue.

Neligan:    Go back to Scotland Yard and interrogate Neligan again.

Learn that Joshua Neligan, John's father set sail for Hammerfest in Norway. He left a list of securities that he was taking to John's mother.

Task - Deduction:

Open the floating deduction (B key).

Swift actions + Pinned to the wall = experiment required.

Ask Watson to help with preparations for a "harpoon throwing experiment."

Jump back to Baker Street and talk to Watson about whaling. Wonderful!

Talk to Toby by window.

Examine the ship's log.

Log:    Jump to Woodsman's Lee. Go to the cabin.

Check the shelf for the 1883 ship's log.

See the list of the crew of the Sea Unicorn. Read the log for June, July and August.

Click on the missing - torn pages for August and take the piece of the Canadian Pacific Railway stock certificate - CPR. The pages for August 1883 had been torn from the Sea Unicorn's logs.

Map:    Review the map right of the doorway. See Carey's whaling route. Hmm...

Find a harpoon for the experiment:

Take a harpoon from the rack on the wall.

Join Watson at the White chapel butchers.

Jump to Whitechapel butchers. Talk to Watson.

Click-hold left mouse button to move the sighting arrows.

Aim on the X on the pig's carcass. When the moving line is at center of the white bar, click to throw the harpoon.

The aim is to hit the X and pierce the carcass. The puzzle is forgiving; the white bar increases in size after several attempts. :)

Experiments proved that a similar result with a harpoon can only be achieved with extraordinary strength and/or hard training.

Watson is left to pay the bill.

Investigate suspect: John Hopley Neligan:

Jump to Scotland Yard and go to evidence room. Look at Neligan's belongings.

Compare the certificate with the notebook. Click on the CPR in the notebook.

A stub of bond certificates found in the cabin proves that certificates for the companies listed in Neligan's notebook had once been there.

Go to Interrogation room.

Ask Neligan about break in. Immediately press Q key to ask about bond certificate as corroborating evidence.

Neligan learned that the certificates were being sold by Peter Carey at the London market.


To get different endings:    There is no need to go back to a saved game to get different endings.

Go back to the deductions tab or press the B key. Open the correlations and change the choices.

Open the deduction page (B key).

Neligan is guilty:

Break in attempts + Neligan's notebook = Retrieving the notebook.

The break-in attempts were made in order to recover the notebook that had been lying in a pool of the victim's blood. This proves the guilt of the person who made these attempts.

Check the other clues by pressing the space bar.

Missing tin box + missing papers = Stolen valuable papers.

Valuable bond certificates were kept inside the stolen tin box.

Retrieving notebook + Stolen valuable papers = Neligan's motive.

John Neligan could have been caught stealing the bond certificates. This might have been a motive for him to murder Peter Carey.

Check the other clues by pressing the space bar.

Strength requirement + pinned to wall = Lucky throw.

There is a remote possibility that an unskilled and untrained man could manage to pin Peter Carey to the wall with a harpoon.

Conclusion: Neligan is guilty.

John Hopley Neligan murdered Peter Carey. This is proven by his dishonesty and the fact that he was at the scene of the murder.

Moral choice:    Condemn or Absolve John Neligan or continue investigation.

Select your decision and see Holmes explain it to Lestrade.

Note - Choose one of the moral choices to see an ending for this conclusion.

Confirm this moral choice.

After seeing what happened after this moral choice - click on "replay ending" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision.

Absolve Neligan:     Holmes says that it was self-defense. Lestrade says that it saved Neligan's neck. Neligan says he's innocent.

John Neligan is a victim of circumstance. His childhood was overshadowed by the loss of his father. He always dreamed of a reunion, to find out what had happened. He made a poor decision and so fell into trouble.

Condemn Neligan:     Lestrade says it's all over for Neligan. Neligan says he's innocent.

John Hopley Neligan has been found guilty of the murder of Peter Carey. He must be punished by the law for this desperate crime.

Neligan's innocence: Change the deductions.

Open the deduction board. See conclusion by pressing C key. Change the selections on the bi-colored cells.

Break in attempts + missing papers = Looking for papers.

Neligan was looking for his father's papers inside Black Peter's cabin. It explains his presence at the scene of the murder.

Missing tin box + missing papers = Stolen valuable papers.

A number of the bond certificates with which Neligan's father disappeared were in Peter Carey's cabin.

Looking for papers + Stolen valuable papers = Neligan's Innocence.

John Neligan is a victim of circumstance. He does not fit the portrait of the murderer either by physical or psychological description.

Strength requirement + pinned to wall = Feat of Strength.

It requires a much greater strength than that of the average man, to be able to pierce a man's chest with a harpoon all the way through to the wall. A degree of skill would most likely be necessary. Two men in co-operation might achieve the same result.

Ask Wiggins to find the crew of the Sea Unicorn.

Go back to Baker Street. Holmes tells Watson that the Secret Police Division of Baker Street do better in getting assistance than Scotland Yard detectives.

Go to the window. Call Wiggins.

Holmes gives Wiggins the list of the sailors (trigger for constable).

Meet Inspector Lestrade at Scotland Yard:

A constable informs Holmes that Lestrade wants to talk to him.

Jump to Scotland Yard. Talk to Lestrade by the counter.

The police caught a suspicious man at Woodsman's Lee - Liam Hurtley. He was writing a letter when caught.

Examine the belongings of Liam Hurtley.

Examine the belongings:    Go to evidence room and examine Liam Hurtley's belongings.

Take Hurtley's boots. They are size 9.5.

Examine the pen. Examine the stained letter. The stain can be removed.

Talk to Hurtley:    Go to the jail cell. Talk to Liam Hurtley and he will be brought to the interrogation room.

Hurtley does not want to answer any questions.

Profile of Hurtley:    Click on the icon to check Hurtley.

Click on scar on neck. He has an old scar.

Click on handkerchief in coat pocket. He has a handkerchief with crested tit.

Click on bottom of pants. See plant remains.

Click on hands. He has gardener's hands.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

What is Liam Hurtey trying to hide?

Letter:    Jump to Baker Street. Go to the analysis table.

Recover Hurtley's letter.

Prepare reagent:   Make a reagent that will remove fresh ink.

Mix reagents in a certain order based on the paper rules to get a clear reagent.

Read the paper with condition - recipe.

Condition 1.  All 7 reagents should be used.

Condition 2. Orange reagent should be the third one in order after the blue reagent.

Condition 3. Colorless reagent should be added after the orange reagent.

Pour reagents in flask in this order:    Blue + Green + Blue + Orange + Colorless + Orange + Colorless. Done!

Use the swab on the stained letter.

Read Liam Hurtley's letter.

I did as you asked and hid them well... but I beg you to reconsider... ...ion. I sw... ...and... ... remember our vows! I have done nothing dishonorable for which you...

Footprints:    Jump to Woodsman's Lee.

Go to the footprints left of the path on the way to the cabin and across the wheelbarrow.

Examine Hurtley's boots. Drag down Hurtley's boots on footprint to see that they match exactly.

Interrogate new suspect Liam Hurtley:

Go back to Scotland Yard.

Talk to Hurtley:    Go to the jail cell. Talk to Liam Hurtley again and he will be brought to the interrogation room.

What where you doing in Woodsman's Lee?  Press Q key and select Hurtley's boots match.

Talk to Hurtley again about Presence in Woodsman's Lee. Press Q key and select Gardener as corroborating evidence. Hurtley went to Woodsman's Lee to get his tools.

What did you hide? Press Q key and select Hurtley's letter.

Investigate suspect: Liam Hurtley.

Tool shed:    Go to Woodsman's Lee.

Check the door of the tool shed behind Mrs. Carey. It is locked.

Mrs. Judith Carey:    Talk to Mrs. Carey. She denies knowing a Liam Hurtley. Mrs. Carey gives the key to the shed.

Search the tool shed:

Planks:    Open the shed door with small key and enter.

Use the T key. See ill fitting planks on the floor. Examine and open ill fitting planks.

Take the small wooden box.

Unlock the wooden box:    Review the lock puzzle guide at top of walkthrough page.

See a cylinder lock made up of 3 layers of tubes.

The aim of the puzzle is to connect all the lines on different layers of the cylinder lock.

- Rotate all (right click-turn) to see where the lines are located.

- There are square openings to see other layer beneath the top one. Note the lines of the inner layers.

- Connect the lines at the 2 inner layers seen at both ends. Select the layer to turn using the switch (scroll wheel) and then left click (rotate single ring).

- Connect the lines on the top layer of the cylinder. Select top layer and then left click to rotate.

- Turn to connect all of the lines.

Bunch of letters: Take the letters inside the box. Read Judith Carey's letter content.

Liam my dear, You have been so good to me all the time that I have known you. I cannot describe these feelings, but I suppose that they are sinful and no good can come from them. I fear what might happen. I fear going against God. I thank you for...

Judith Carey:    Talk to Mrs. Carey.

Press Q key and then select romantic correspondence as corroborating evidence.

Holmes returns the letters to Judith.

Judith Carey's confession:     Judith Carey begins to cry and says that she cannot forgive Hurtley for what he has done.


Liam Hurtley is guilty:

This deduction is if Neligan's innocence is deduced. Change some of the evidences from previous conclusion.

Liam Hurtley's footprints + No gardener = Unexplained presence.

Liam Hurtley's boots match the footprints at Woodman's Lee exactly.

Press space bar to see other evidence.

Judith Carey's letter + Judith's confession = Desperate jealousy.

Liam Hurtley loved Judith Carey so desperately, that his jealousy could have provoked him into committing murder.

Jealous gardener + Unexplained presence = Hurtley's motive.

Liam Hurtley's relationship with Judith Carey gives him a motive for killing Peter Carey.

Strength requirement + pinned to wall = Lucky throw.

Hurtley's Motive + Lucky Throw = Hurtley is guilty.

Conclusion:     Hurtley is guilty.

Liam Hurtley murdered Peter Carey. The motive was jealousy and his love for Carey's wife.

Moral choice:    Condemn or Absolve Liam Hurtley.

Select your decision and see Holmes explain it to Lestrade.

Note - Choose one of the moral choices to see an ending for this conclusion.

Confirm moral choice.

After seeing what happened after this moral choice - click on "replay ending" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision.

Condemn Hurtley - Hurtley is accused by Holmes. Hurtley says he's innocent.

Liam Hurtley has been found guilty of the murder of Peter Carey. He must be punished by the law in all its rigour.

Absolve Hurtley - Holmes states that after inviting Hurtley for drinks, Carey attacked Hurtley. It was self defense. Lestrade says it saved Hurtley's neck. Hurtley says he's innocent.

Liam Hurtley's mind was clouded by his love for Judith Carey, Peter's wife. This murder was a crime of passion, under emotional duress. Nevertheless, he must answer to the law for what he has done.

Continue the investigation.

Liam Hurtley's innocence:

This deduction is obtained if Neligan's innocence is deduced. Change some of the evidences from previous conclusion.

Hurtley's footprints + No gardener = Unexplained presence.

Liam Hurtley's boots match the footprints at Woodman's Lee, thus proving that he was there. Judith Carey denies that he was their gardener.

Liam Hurtley's letter + Judith Carey's confession = Harmless flirting.

It has been confirmed that Liam Hurtley was flirting with Peter Carey's wife.

Harmless flirting + Unexplained presence = Hurtley's innocence.

Hurtley's presence at Woodman's Lee on the night of the murder is explained by his affection toward Judith Carey and the fact that he worked there as a gardener.

Two murderers:

This deduction is obtained if Neligan's motive (not innocence) is deduced and Feat of Strength in harpoon throwing clue is selected.

Change some of the evidences from previous conclusion.

Hurtley and Neligan are both guilty as shown on their respective deductions above.

Neligan Guilty + Hurtley Guilty = Possible conspiracy.

Both Neligan and Hurtley are lying, therefore they might be working together.

Hurtley's motive + Neligan's motive = Possible conspiracy.

Strength requirement + Pinned to wall = Feat of Strength

Possible conspiracy + Feat of strength = Two murderers.

Conclusion:    Two Murderers.

Moral decision:    Select Neligan as initiator or Hurtley as initiator or decide later.

Select your choice and see Holmes explain it to Lestrade.

Note - Choose one of the moral choices to see an ending for this conclusion.

Confirm moral choice.

After seeing what happened after this moral choice - click on "replay ending" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision.

Neligan as initiator:    Neligan and Hurtley do not know each other. Hurtley says that Neligan threatened him. Hurtley confesses.

Liam Hurtley and John Neligan are guilty of a heinous, premeditated crime. Let them be punished by the law. Neligan was the initiator, and Hurtley his accomplice.

Hurtley as initiator:    Neligan and Hurtley do not know each other. Hurtley says that Neligan threatened him. Neligan insists he's innocent.

Liam Hurtley and John Neligan are guilty of a heinous, premeditated crime. Let them be punished by the law. Hurtley was the initiator. Poor Neligan was just following his lead.

Check if Wiggins has found any crew members yet.

Go back to Baker Street. Wiggins located the sailors of Sea Unicorn.

See the crew list.

Click on Pablo Coventrao - has initials P.C. and a harpooner died a week ago.

Select Patrick Cairns. He's a harpooner and has initials P.C. like on the tobacco pouch.

Holmes asks Wiggins to find out information about Cairns.

Sometime later, Wiggins returns and gives his report.

Patrick Cairns lives nearby in a dump of a room. He is always at the Sea Witch pub, where he arm-wrestles for money and drink.

Task - Deduction:

Press B key.

Patrick Cairns + Peter Carey a non smoker = Check Patrick Cairns.

If the pouch belongs to Cairns, it indicates his presence in the crime scene, but it must still be proven.

Disguise yourself as a sailor and find Cairns at the Sea Witch pub.

Disguise as a sailor:    Go to Holmes bedroom.

Open wardrobe. Select the sailor outfit.

Press B key to get selection on dressing table. Select the hair-hat, glasses and facial hair of your choice.

Sea Witch pub:    Jump to Sea Witch pub.

Go to the back area and talk to Patrick Cairns.

Arm wrestle: Note Cairns facial expression to see what he plans to do.

Cairns will not talk until you defeat him in arm wrestling twice. 10 shillings per bout.

Left click-tap continuously to push. Right click to hold and gain stamina.

Left click-tap to slowly bring his arm down while watching the stamina.

If stamina goes down partway the circle - release or hold left click to get stamina back to top.

Continue to tap - get stamina until you win the bout.

Space bar skips the puzzle. Win 2 bouts and then talk to Cairns

Talk to Patrick Cairns:    Holmes buys drinks to get Cairns talking. Cairns says that he is poor and no job.

Learn about Black Peter. Learn that in 1883, a little craft that has been blown north. They found a man that is not a sailor alone on his boat. His crew must have left him.

The man had only a tin box as baggage and had talks with Black Peter. During the second night that unknown man disappeared and the crew was too scared of Black Peter to ask.

Patrick Cairns told the story of how, in August 1883, he had observed Peter Carey throwing a man overboard. The man had been saved from the sea only the previous night. The man was obviously Joshua Neligan.

Peter Carey was trying to conceal the murder of John Neligan's father.

Profile of Patrick Cairns:     Click on character icon.

Click on earring. He wears gold earring.

Click on his left sleeves. But he wears cheap clothes.

Click on his left bare forearm. He has strong hands.

Click on fingers. He has smokers' yellow nails.

Click on anchor tattoo on other arm. He has sailor's tattoo.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Plant the pouch into Cairns pocket and determine if the pouch is his.

Stand by-behind Cairns' chair and see the coat hanging on chair.

Click on Cairns coat pocket to see a close-up of his coat pocket on the back of the chair.

Drag down the tobacco pouch to slide down the pocket.

Talk to Cairns again. Ask for tobacco. Cairns finds the pouch that he thought was lost in his pocket. Cairns says it is his.

Holmes gave Cairns a tip about a planned expedition of Captain Ahab of The Pequod. Ahab might be needing a harpooner.


Patrick Cairns' pouch + Patrick Cairns = Pouch proves visit or Pouch proves Guilt.

Pouch Proves Visit - Cairns has confirmed that the pouch belongs to him. This means that he was at the scene of the murder, but does not necessarily prove that he is the murderer.

Pouch Proves Guilt - Cairns has confirmed that the pouch belongs to him. This means that he was at the scene of the murder, and thus proves his guilt.

Cairns is guilty:

If Neligan's and Hurtley's deductions have them proven innocent, do deduction on Cairns.

Feat of strength + Pouch proves guilt + stolen valuable papers = Cairns is guilty.

Conclusion:    Cairns is guilty.

Moral choice:   Condemn or absolve Patrick Cairns.

Select your choice and see Holmes explain it to Lestrade.

Condemn Cairns: Patrick Cairns is a cold blooded murderer. He has been found guilty of the murder of Peter Carey, and must be punished.

The next day, Patrick Cairns arrives at Baker Street expecting to meet Capt. Ahab.

Lestrade arrests Cairns. Cairns resists arrest by punching Lestrade. Ow!

Fight Cairns:    Holmes spars with Cairns. Place red circle on Cairns face. Click when the red circle is within the faint circle that is on Cairns face.

Press the W key when W icon appears.

Lestrade wants the event between them.

Achievement obtained - Bruiser. Beat Cairns in a fight.

Absolve Cairns: Patrick Cairns killed Peter Carey, but the murder was not premeditated. It was in self-defence against an armed and irrational drunken sailor.

The next day, Patrick Cairns arrives at Baker Street expecting to meet Capt. Ahab.

Cairns after confronted by Holmes gives his version of what happened. It was self defense.

Holmes asks him to return the certificate, but to keep some for his exile. He can come back after several years.

Sometime later, Holmes explains to Lestrade that it was Pablo Coventrao the dead harpooner of the Sea Unicorn that is the murderer.

Sometime later, Neligan arrives to thank Holmes for clearing his name. Holmes gives him the certificates.


See the summary of the case.

Clues found:    16

Conclusion and moral choice done are shown.

Use the space bar to see if the clues are all found. If green colored conclusion is seen, the conclusion is the best one in the game.

Replay ending will bring the game back before the moral choice.

Accept decision? If you accept the decision, you cannot go back to replay this game and will proceed to next game.

Achievement obtained - Aye, aye Captain! Finished Black Peter Case.


Holmes is packing his books for a vacation. He is wearing his farmer's outfit. Doctor Watson expounds on the good it will do Holmes to be in the country. They are visiting a bee lover.

Mycroft, Sherlock's brother who works for the government walks in. Mycroft wants Sherlock to help them - him in stopping the Merry Men, a band of idealistic terrorist. The Merry Men are a threat to the country.

Mycroft held the train to wait for Watson and Sherlock and he knows that Sherlock is going to Staffordshire.

Talk to Toby by the window.

Previous case - The Fate of Black Peter:

Open the casebook.

Chronicle:    If you finished the case, see the personality ranking. It depends on your moral choice.

Trophy:    Harpoon that was used to kill Black Peter.

Echoes - messages:    The messages seen here depends on the moral choices and conclusion selected that closes the previous game.

Check to see if there is mail on the mantle of the fireplace.

If John Hopley Neligan is absolved, get a message from Neligan's mother.

Mr. Holmes, I know you were leading the investigation of the murder of "Black Peter. Please accept my deepest gratitude for your humanity by your greatly shortening the sentence of my dear son, John Hopley Neligan. He is innocent, I do assure you. He merely appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, thanks to you, he shall soon be released! Yours sincerely, Mrs. Sarah Neligan.

If John Hopley Neligan is condemned, get a message from Neligan's mother.

Mr. Holmes, we may not be acquainted, but that is of little importance. I shall always remember you as the man who arrested my darling son, John Hopley Neligan. He had already suffered so much from the loss of his father, but you dared to put him in prison for the murder of 'Black Peter'? A murder he never committed? How could you be so misguided and cruel? My son is an innocent victim, and I shall do anything to prove it. I shall hire the best lawyers in the country! Mrs. Sarah Neligan.

If Liam Hurtley is absolved, get a message from Judith Carey.

I am so grateful that a great detective such as yourself could also possess such a kind heart. Thank you for your decision regarding Liam Hurtley, a dear friend of mine, and the murderer of my husband, Peter Carey. I am sure that Mr. Hurtley had no other choice; he killed accidentally and clearly in self-defence. You have my deepest appreciation, from the bottom of my heart. Yours sincerely, Mrs. Judith Carey.

If Liam Hurtley is condemned, get a newspaper account.

The High Court of Justice yesterday convicted Liam Hurtley to 30 years of imprisonment for the murder of Peter Carey (also known as Black Peter). Despite the numerous pleas of 'not guilty', and the lack of evidence as put forth by Hurtley's lawyer, the jurors agreed on a severe punishment. This decision was due to the charge being brought by Mr. Sherlock Holmes, the great detective who led the murder investigation.

If Peter Cairns is condemned, get a newspaper account.

The grotesque murder of the former Captain Peter Carey (known in private as 'Black Peter'), has been resolved! The evidence that Scotland Yard received from a trustworthy source was more than sufficient to conclude that the murderer of Peter Carey was Patrick Cairns, one of Carey's former harpooners. In fact, the dangerous criminal was caught single-handedly by brave Inspector Lestrade in a hand-to-hand fight. Patrick Cairns is now sentenced to death.

If Peter Cairns is absolved, get a newspaper account.

The grotesque murder of the former Captain Peter Carey (known in private as 'Black Peter') has been resolved! The evidence that Scotland Yard received from a trustworthy source was more than sufficient to conclude that the murderer of Peter Carey was Pablo Coventrao, one of Carey's former harpooners. However, lawful justice could not be awarded - Coventrao was found dead of natural causes, possibly from his remorse at committing such a terrible crime.


Go to the door and exit. Holmes will call the cab.

One week later, Holmes and Dr. Watson wait for the train while standing at the foggy Evesham Station. The train is seen but there is no sound. The train disappears.

Holmes and Watson examines the rails. It's too dark and foggy to see anything.

Inspect the rails where the train vanished:

The next morning, Holmes and Watson are back at Evesham Station.

Archives - Carriage:    The carriage that Holmes and Watson came in will bring them to the map during gameplay.

At the back of the carriage is the portable archives that Holmes brought with him.

Land by rails:    Enter the station's waiting room. Go through the other door to be at the rail side of the station.

Walk the rails to the left - the way to Doncaster until the end of the stone wall at right side of rails and Evesham stone marker.

Press the F key to see a reenactment of the ghost train. Watson says that this is where the train disappeared.

Press the T key to see hidden clues.

Examine the railway sleepers and empty bottle.

Examine ground near rails. There are no tracks of footprints on the ground.

Examine the rails. There are no signs whatsoever. This makes Holmes smile. The mystery appears very promising.

The train simply vanished. There are no traces at the place where it was last seen. The train vanished with all its passengers and staff on board.

Evesham station - Find more information about the vanished train:

S tation master Everett:    Go back to the station and talk to the station master fixing a bicycle.

Portrait of the Evesham station master:

Examine his hair. He has gray hair.

Examine the badge on his coat. He is awarded an honorary badge.

Examine the sleeves. It has spots of earth.

Examine finger. He wears a wedding ring. He is married.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Talk to station master. The train composition is in his office. There is a map at the hall.

Ticket office:    Enter the door around the corner at right end of the station.

Look around outside the office and then enter the office at right hallway.

Check the office table to:

- Read the message to all station - telegram that states that Mr. Robinson is at Bridlington Station.

- Read the Train composition. The train has locomotive, coal car, first class car, postal wagon, special wagon (ordered by Mr. Robinson) and second class car.

Check the telegraph at back wall.

More info:    Talk to the station master again. Special coach or wagon reserved by a special person is attached to the train. The one that disappeared was on high security. It has no windows, with iron walls and locked.

The vanished train was carrying a special wagon ordered by Mr. Robinson. It could contain something very important.

Locate a map of the surrounding area:

Left Luggage room:    Enter the door behind the station master. Look around at the postal bags.

Map at Waiting Hall:    Enter the waiting hall. Take the railway map at left wall.

Warehouse:    Enter the adjacent door left of hall. Examine the junk pile on table. See that bell and spare parts are stored here. Examine other spare parts in the room.

Examine Evesham railway branch:

Go across the rail tracks at right to the fenced in area. Open the gate - door.

Remains of building:    Go to the space beside the missing tracks and see a roof of a cabin. A cabin was disassembled in great haste.

Wagon tracks:    Go to the path going to the right. Press the T key. Examine the multiple traces on the ground.

Examine the heavy vehicle tracks:   The vehicle must have been heavy because the tracks are deep.

Take the size of the tracks:     Click the measuring tape from top track to the bottom track to measure the space in between.

The tracks are 6 feet 7 inches. The tracks are fresh and made by large truck loaded with material.

Check the gate at end of the road. Examine the road that leads to the town of Evesham.

S tation master:    Go back to the station master and talk to him.

Learn that the he got a message from Bridlington station about the train being delayed because of an issue with the passengers.

Bridlington station, a suburban railway station can be reached by a cab.

The warehouse that was disassembled was burgled overnight 2 weeks ago. It stores standby rails and some railway parts.

The storage warehouse near Evesham station was ransacked. It contained spare sections of railway track.

Map:    Open the map and see that the broken down shed and the location of the missing train is drawn there.

Bridlington Station - Retrieve information about passengers that were present at the night train:

Select Bridlington in the map. Enter the waiting hall through the door at left.

Angry passenger:    Examine the man standing by the ticket window.

Portrait of the angry passenger:

Check the coat. He wears work clothes.

Check the coat pocket. There is a cheap ticket there.

Check the hand. He wears a ring, married.

Check the other hand. The hand has rough skin.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Talk to the man. He wants a refund on his ticket.

Learn that the ticket inspector forced the passengers out at this station stating that their tickets are not valid.

Learn that they were forced off the train except for the rich looking ones. The rich are foreigners - Spanish looking toffs.

Mr. Thomas Robinson:    Talk to the rich passenger by fireplace. He doesn't feel like talking at the moment.

Portrait of Robinson:

Check the cowboy hat. It is an Australian hat.

Check vest. He wears expensive clothes.

Check hand. He wears a heavy gold ring.

Check the shoes. He wears fancy alligator shoes.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Find out what the special wagon was carrying:

Talk to Mr. Robinson again.

Learn that the special wagon carries his machine that produce electricity.

Robinson has already potential customers and he was with the director's board on the train. The director's board is of the Chilean Barcazas company. It is a South American company.

Robinson was forced off the train by the Bridlington station master. The station master got a telegram stating that Robinson was to meet a Mr. Bromsby at the waiting room of the station.  The Chileans continued with the train to London. Robinson threatens to sue the station master.

All passengers were removed from the train except for the directors of the Chilean Barcazas company. They were the only passengers on the train after Bridlington station.

Ticket office:    Enter the ticket office marked private.

Telegraph machine:     Press the T key. Examine the gap on the floor. Take the document.

Pick it up and see that it is the prototype insurance policy. The prototype is insured for 15 thousand pounds and organized by Mr. Robinson.

Mr. Robinson's prototype, carried inside the special wagon, was under high insurance. The prototype seems to be a revolutionary model.

Bridlington station master:

Talk to Station master Bertram. Note that he quotes train regulations.

There were 2 passengers that complained about the train.

Portrait of Bridlington station master:

Check the eyes. He is young.

Check the tie. He wears clean clothes.

Check the manual in his coat pocket. He carries the station master instructions.

Check the hand. He has ink smudges.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

When asked how long he worked here, press the Q key - select rookie station master as corroborating fact.

The station master scolded the rude ticket inspector.

Learn that he got a strange message from the Chesterfield station master that is incomprehensible. He gives the Chesterfield telegram.

Read the garbled telegram.

The Chesterfield Station Master reported by telegraph the arrival and departure of the vanished train.

Learn more about Mr. Robinson:

Mr. Thomas Robinson:    Talk to Mr. Robinson at the waiting hall about the insurance.

Robinson lost the insurance paper when he wanted to send a message but was refused by the station master.

Mr. Robinson has a grip sack with him. Holmes smoothly maneuver the station master to place the grip sack in the luggage room.

Left Luggage room:    Go to the platform side of the station. Go right and enter the next room. Check the mailbags.

Examine Thomas Robinson's luggage: Look close at the luggage at left.

Match the lines on the tubes layers. There are 4 layers in this cylinder.

Match the outer light gold with the inner green.

Then match the inner gold with the green and outer layer.

Next turn the inner silver to match the other lines.

Bundle of contracts:  Read the contracts.

Read the papers and click - underline the words "exclusive sales contract" and "Mr. Robinson" on each contract.

Robinson got prepayment from 4 different companies for his machine.

Mr. Robinson wished to sell his missing prototype to many customers. He had received numerous pre-payments for signing multiple contracts.

Warehouse:    Check the next room at the station. Look around.

Chesterfield Station:

Travel to Chesterfield station.

Check the door left of the ticket office - it is locked.

Enter the ticket office area. Examine the waste bin on left wall by bench. It is full of empty bottles.

Check the fishing advertisement left of the scale.

Telegraph:    Enter the ticket office.

Examine the Morse code alphabet on the telegraph table. It looks like the station master doesn't know Morse code.

S tation master:   Talk to the drunken station master.

He doesn't know if a passenger left the train here last night because he didn't leave his office to check the train that passed through.

Portrait of the Chesterfield station master:

Check his red nose.

Check his coat. He wears clean clothes.

Check his ring finger. He is married.

Check the alcohol flask just under the hand.

Check the coat pocket that has fishing line.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Talk to him about the strange message he sent. He says he remembers the train quite clearly.

Press the Q key and select binge drinking from the answer list.

The Station Master at Chesterfield does not take his job very seriously. He seems untrustworthy.

Chesterfield station should be carefully examined:

Left Luggage room:    Exit to the platform side of station. Check the locked left luggage door.

Open the lock:    There are 3 layers to this lock.

Turn to see 2 large squares.

Match the top layer with the lines of the second inner cylinder.

Turn to look for unmatched lines in squares.

Match the second layer with lines of third inner layer.

The room is a mess.

Instruments:    Examine the instruments. They are used recently and muddy.

Press the T key. Check the floor and see huge scratches. Examine the traces. Mailbags were dragged here recently.

Sack:    Move the sacks by the door. See expensive French wine and Scotch whiskey. They must have been taken from mailed parcels.

Warehouse:    Enter next door. See a handcar base.

Holmes emphasizes that they saw only headlights and heard the whistle but didn't see the train itself.

A dismantled handcar with spare parts scattered around it was found at Chesterfield station.

Task - deduction:

Spare parts of handcar + no traces of train = Fake train experiment.

The dismantled handcar seems connected to our mystery. Reconstruct the handcar to see if it imitate the vanished train.

Fake train experiment:

Rec onstruct handcar:   Examine the handcar. Place the parts to complete the handcar.

Take a wheel from left and place it on right bar at wooden base of platform.

Take the small gear from right and use at center - small gear housing.

Take hand mechanism at right and place at top of central structure.

Take the wooden board from bottom of screen use on gap on wooden base.

Rotate the platform truck to see the other side.

Place the wheel from left on wooden base of handcar.

Take the brakes by stove and attach it to the brake joint between the wheels.

Finish the fake train: See the handcar on rail tracks. Our train requires only a headlight and a steam whistle.

Press the F key and see a ghost train and the handcar.

Go to the warehouse. Take the long pole at right.

Go to the stove. Examine the train spare parts right of stove.

Take the steam whistle on top of barrel.

Take headlight with dynamo machine.

Take fire extinguisher from table by window.

Evidence required: Go back to handcar on train tracks. Press the F key.

Place the long pole, connect headlight and install steam whistle.

Attach the fire extinguisher to make the steam whistle.

Press the F key.

- Push the handcar lever.

- Pump pressure of the fire extinguisher.

- Blow the Train steam whistle.

The replica of the train that vanished is created. The train at Evesham was faked by somebody.

Search archives:

Archived map:    Get a detailed map of the area to see where to find the real train.

Go to the front part of the train station via the waiting room or the path by the fence.

Go to the portable archives at back of the coach. Search old map.

Combine the 2 maps:

Move the small map to the middle left edge of the archived map.

Match the roads in white, black lines for railroad and the shape of the lake in blue above the Evesham station.

There is a railway switch between Bridlington and Chesterfield and one by the station that is between Evesham and Chesterfield.

S tation master:    Talk to the station master again at the office.

Learn that the instruments are dirty because workers that level the edge of the railway used them. They worked to prevent water from coming too close to the rails. The station master does not know this men. The workers gave him strong drink and they were not English.

Examine the side railway branch that begins at the railway switch:

Jump to railway switch between Bridlington and Chesterfield seen in the map.

Rail switch :    Go to the rail switch with red flag by post at other side of the main rail track.

Examine the switch and see that the rail tracks can be turned to the left. It is rusted but still works.

Signpost :    Go to the curved rail tracks at corner.

Examine the signpost that shows the way to the mines.

Press the F key. See the reenactment of a train that is redirected to the mines.

Examine Mines to find out if it is possible to hide a train here:

Jump to mines in the map. Look around. The mines are well maintained.

Fallen sign:    Examine the fallen sign at left by the corner of the road.

Fix the information board.

Take board on the ground and place it on the information board.

Holmes borrows Watson's hankie. I haven't the faintest idea.

Use-click-hold the hankie to wipe the dirt off the board. This is WEA Coal Company

Vehicle traces:    Go forward.

Examine the vehicle tracks by the fallen wooden beam. A lightly loaded vehicle came this way.

Take measurement.  Use the tape from one track to the other. It measures 4 feet and 8 inches.

The traces at the mines are fresh made by a small truck with a base of around 4 feet 8 inches.

Examine the wooden beam. A small vehicle carrying wooden beams went down this way.

Missing rails:    Go forward. The big mine has collapsed; the entryway is blocked by rubble.

There is an old railway leading to the mines, but part of it is missing.

Press the T key and see the empty place.

Examine the removed screws. The rails have been removed.

Collapsed mine:    Go to the rubble at mine entrance.

Press the T key. See collapsed mine, pile of stones and a paper package.

The mines are collapsed and cannot be accessed.

Examine the strange box:  Examine the strange package - box.

Examine the box paper. It is stiff and dry; used for a specific purpose.

Pull aside the paper cover.

Place cursor on top left comer of the folded end and open box by dragging the paper to the right.

See sawdust inside. Holmes asks Watson to shoot at the box.

Right click to aim the sight of the revolver.

While it is aimed (box on top of the sight of the revolver); left click to shoot. It's dynamite.

Somebody used dynamite to collapse the mines.

Mine guards' office:    Climb to the 2 buildings left of collapsed mine. Enter the left hut.

Open the strange box:   Examine the metal box on the floor.

There are 5 layers to this cylinder.

The easiest way for me is to match the lines at the ends. Some layers (like the green one) have 2 lines at the end; select the right one based on square holes at center.

Read the new security instructions. It mentions that the Barcazas Company is granted free access to the mine and that the Caracal consortium are now under the "no trespassing" rule.

Perhaps Mycroft can help.

Other structures:    Check the other building and the locked mine entrance behind the guards' office.

Use telegraph to discover more about WEA Coal Company:

Train station:    Go to any train station and use the telegraph at the ticket office.

Contact Mycroft: After a while, get a reply from Mycroft.

Read WEA Coal Company document.

The 2 companies want to buy the WEA mines. The Mexican Caracal had an initial deal but the Chilean Barcazas Company managed to snatch the concluding deal aided by their influential connections.

Doncaster Station:

Use the map and jump to Doncaster the station between Chesterfield and Evesham. Look around.

Waiting Hall:   Enter the waiting hall.

Mysterious Man :    See an anxious foreign man leave the hall.

Examine the cigar stub that the anxious man dropped under the far bench on the right.

Take the cigar stub. Sniff the cigar stub.

Construct the picture:     Help Holmes combine his association in one picture.

See a picture that is broken in parts. Rotate and put together the parts.

Start with turning the Mexican hat to the other side. Move the tobacco leaves to the right and see that smoke stays on the left.

Then form or join the lines of the sombrero.

Adjust - lower the large piece of the hat with the cigar smoke.

Adjust the sombrero part attached to the mint leaves.

The cigar has a slightly peppermint smell. It is a Ricardo Turrent. A rather expensive Mexican cigar.

Ashtray:    Press the T key. Check the ashtray at end of the benches by the ticket office. There's lot of ash and cigar stubs.

Examine the cigar stub. It is similar to the one thrown by the mysterious foreigner. Holmes says that there are several days of stubs here. So the man has been here waiting for a while. He is not a traveler or bum.

A suspicious Mexican individual has been present at Doncaster station for the past few days.

Take the piece of burnt paper. Read the text of the burned paper . It highlights the conflict between the Mexicans and the Chileans.

Click on the ashtray several times to note the conflict between the Mexicans and Chileans.

Ticket office:   Enter the ticket office through side aisle at right and look around.

Check the office table. Examine the horse racing magazines.

Take and examine the horse race betting tickets under the magazines. Turn the ticket and check the back to see that the sums are impressive.

Examine the side railway branch that leads to the quarry at the station located between Chesterfield and Evesham:

Flooded field:    Exit to the platform by the rail.

Watson points out the flooded field across the station. Holmes says it needs to be checked.

Flooded area:    Go across the platform to the area with 2 red flags. See the red warning flags.

See the flooded quarry. The quarry near Doncaster station is flooded.

Rail switch:    Go right on the rail tracks. See the tracks branch to the right.

Move the rail switch with the flag. The switch is rusted but it still works.

Quarry:    Follow the track branch that leads to the quarry.

Examine the rails that are old and rusted but still usable.

Examine the end of the rails. It ends here.

There is an old railway at Doncaster that leads to the quarry. It is flooded and missing a section of rail.

Look around Doncaster Station:

Go back to Doncaster Station.

Left Luggage room:    Enter the Left Luggage room pass the waiting room. Check the mailbags.

Station master bag:    Examine the station master bag hanging on right wall.

Take and read the letter to Doncaster station master's wife. The station master writes to wife that he will have money in the next few days to pay for the mortgage on the house.

Take and read the lawyer's letter. The station master Edward Duff promises to honor his debts. The Station Master at Doncaster received money recently.

He assured his lawyer and his ex-wife that he would be sending them money and bought horse racing tickets despite the fact he can ill afford them.

Warehouse:    Enter the open door by the station master. Look around.

See a lighted coal stove at left corner. Examine the teapot on stove.

Doncaster station master:

Talk to the station master sitting at the corner of the station's platform.

Portrait of Doncaster station master:

Check his melancholy eyes.

Check the button on coat. There's a missing button.

Check his coat pocket. He does not have a watch.

Check his hand. It has mark of ring.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Talk to station master. He doesn't know about the flooded area that is supposed to be a quarry.

He doesn't know because he's only been here recently. He asked to be transferred here 4 months ago. Life is cheaper here.

No passengers came down from train. He reported the passage of the train as usual.

The Doncaster Station Master reported by telegraph the arrival and departure of the vanished train.

Ask about gambling man. Press the Q key. Select horse racing tickets as supporting evidence.

Ask about the Mexican. The station master denies knowing one.

Find the man who was smoking cigars in Doncaster's waiting hall:

Holmes notes the grudge between the Mexicans and Chileans. Holmes tells Watson that they need to talk to the Mysterious Mexican at the waiting room.

Waiting room: Enter the waiting hall. See the mysterious man. The foreigner was going to run away again but Holmes calls him.

The foreigner says he's a Chilean. He just arrived from South America.

Portrait of the foreigner:

Examine the skin by eyes and cheek. He has wrinkles.

Check his bowtie. He has smart clothes.

Check his coat to see that he has strong build.

Check his hand with the expensive cigar.

Check the hand and see that he practices martial arts.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Holmes thinks he's Mexican. Press the Q key and select Mexican cigar as supporting clue.

He is waiting here for the recovery of his friends. He doesn't want to give the name of his company or his own name.


The train is in the collapsed mines: Change some of the evidences from previous conclusion.

Chesterfield telegram + Station master of Chesterfield is untrustworthy = Missed Chesterfield.

The train never passed through Chesterfield station: the station master was drunk and his testimony seems unreliable. He could have sent the report without witnessing the train.

Rails to mine + Stolen rail tracks = Road into mines.

Somebody stole the rails to temporarily cover the missing section of the railway into the mines.

Mines are collapsed + Mines are blasted = Concealment.

The mines were collapsed to hide the train; dynamite was used after the train was moved inside.

Missed Chesterfield + Road into mines + Concealment = Inside mines

The train is sealed underneath the collapsed mines.

Robinson is a swindler:

Continue the above The train is in the collapsed mines deduction.

Train vanished with people + Chilean stayed on train = Accident.

The Chileans' stay on the train was just a coincidence: the train conductor overlooked them.

Doncaster station master received money + Doncaster station master's telegram = Missed Doncaster station.

The train never passed through Doncaster station: the station master lied and sent a false report. Perhaps he was bribed with the money he desperately needed.

Fake train + Spare parts of handcar = Vanished earlier.

The train never reached Evesham. It disappeared earlier, and was faked by somebody using a handcar and spare train parts from Chesterfield station.

Prototype has many customers + Special wagon = Robinson's motive.

Loss of prototype will bring a lot of easy money to Mr. Robinson, thanks to the insurance and multiple fraudulent exclusive contracts.

Inside mines + Missed Doncaster station + Accident + Robinson's motive + Vanished earlier = Robinson is a swindler.

Conclusion: Robinson is a swindler.

Mr. Robinson is a financial swindler. With the aid of his minions he sealed the train and his fake machine underneath the collapsed mines to make a fortune from multiple contracts and the insurance claim.

Moral Choice:    Choose Blind Justice or Political game or continue investigation.

Note - Choose one of the moral choices to see an ending for this conclusion.

Confirm moral choice.

After seeing what happened after this moral choice - click on "replay ending" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision.

Blind justice = Thomas Robinson is a guileful man who would not hesitate to sacrifice lives for his own personal gain. Contact Lestrade and allow the police to perform their loud and swift justice, before he plans a new swindle.

Holmes discusses his intentions with Watson. Holmes prefers the expediency (without political intervention) of the arrest by the police. He will inform Lestrade. Holmes confronts Robinson at Bridlington station.

Political game = Robinson is a swindler, but he is a famous man of influence. Direct confrontation is inadvisable; it would be preferable to accept Mycroft's 'political' means of resolving the situation, even at the expense of justice.

Holmes discusses his intentions with Watson. Holmes decided to let Mycroft handle Robinson and his minions. Holmes confronts Robinson at Bridlington station.

Theft of the prototype:

Prototype has insurance + Special wagon = Robinson is a victim.

The loss of the machine is a disaster for Mr. Robinson. Even though he planned this fraud, he has lost far more than he could gain � the insurance will not cover the total cost of the prototype.

Train vanished with people + Chilean stayed on train = Chilean were left.

The directors of the Chilean Barcazas company were intentionally left on the train. The controller removed all passengers from the train except for the Chileans.

WEA Coal and Chileans + Mexicans vs Chileans = No grudge.

The Mexicans held no grudge against the Chileans. Business is business, after all

Robinson is a victim + Chilean were left + No Grudge = Theft.

The Chileans made the train �vanish� in order to steal the prototype from Mr. Robinson.

Chileans stole the prototype.

Continue with the Theft and Inside mines deductions seen above. Change some of the evidences from previous conclusion.

Fake train + Spare parts of handcar = Vanished earlier.

The train never reached Evesham. It disappeared earlier, and was faked by somebody using a handcar and spare train parts from Chesterfield station.

Doncaster station master received money + Doncaster station master's telegram = Missed Doncaster station.

Flooded quarry + Old railway to quarry = Cannot be sunk.

Inside mines + Missed Doncaster + Theft + Vanished earlier = Chileans stole the prototype.

Conclusion: Chileans stole the prototype.

The Chileans stole the prototype, and sealed the train underneath the collapsed mines to hide their crime.

Moral choice: Blind Justice or Political game or continue investigation.

Note - Choose one of the moral choices to see an ending for this conclusion.

Confirm moral choice.

After seeing what happened after this moral choice - click on "replay ending" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision.

Blind Justice:     The Chileans stole the prototype, and sealed the train underneath the collapsed mines to hide their crime. The decision was made to contact Lestrade, and allow the police to perform their loud and swift justice even at the risk of international conflict.

Political game: The Chileans stole the prototype, and sealed the train underneath the collapsed mines to hide their crime. The decision was made to give Mycroft the chance to resolve the conflict, even though it might be protracted and turned to his own advantage.

Mexican trap:

Change some of the evidences from previous conclusion.

Suspicious Mexican at Doncaster + WEA Coal and Chileans = Mexicans are angry.

The Mexican Caracal company held a grudge against the Chilean Barcazas group, as the Chileans were favoured for purchasing the WEA Coal mines, despite the Mexicans' preliminary sales contract.

Train vanished with people + Chilean stayed on train = Chilean were left.

The directors of the Chilean Barcazas company were intentionally left on the train. The controller removed all passengers from the train except for the Chileans.

Chilean were left + Mexicans are angry = Mexican Trap.

The Mexicans organised the Chileans' stay on the train. That is why the controller removed all of the passengers except for the Chileans.

Mexicans sealed in the Chileans:

Inside mines + Missed Doncaster + Mexican trap + Vanished earlier = Mexicans sealed in the Chileans.

Conclusion: Mexicans sealed in the Chileans.

It was carefully planned murder. The Mexicans killed the Chileans, and sealed the train underneath the collapsed mines to hide their crime.

Moral choice: Blind Justice or Political game or continue investigation.

Note - Choose one of the moral choices to see an ending for this conclusion.

Confirm moral choice.

After seeing what happened after this moral choice - click on "replay ending" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision.

Blind Justice: It was carefully planned murder. The Mexicans killed the Chileans, and sealed the train underneath the collapsed mines to hide their crime. The Mexicans' inhumanity towards the Chileans cost many lives, so the decision was made to act quickly. Lestrade will be informed.

See what happened when Holmes lays the trap below at "Trap the culprits".

Political game:  It was carefully planned murder. The Mexicans killed the Chileans, and sealed the train underneath the collapsed mines to hide their crime. A criminal organisation such as this cannot be confronted directly. It requires a delicate approach. The decision was made to give Mycroft the chance to resolve the conflict.

See what happened when Holmes lays the trap below at "Trap the culprits".

Trap the culprits:

Holmes traps the station master by buying tickets to get back to London. Holmes says that one of the victims escaped and is going to be questioned by the police. The victim is in serious condition.

Watson hides with gun drawn at the corner of the station.

The station master talks with the Mexican at the platform.

Holmes arrives on the hand car and arrests them.

The Mexican pulls his gun and thinks that the station master double crossed him.

Immediately click on the red circle over the hand with the gun or if you want - the face of the Mexican.

If you miss, he will kill the station master and points his gun at Holmes. Click on his hand or face when he points his gun on Holmes.

If you hit his hand, Watson is lauded by Holmes on his shooting and asks for lessons. If the head is hit, the Mexican dies.

Achievement obtained: Sharpshooter. Disarm Mexican by shooting the gun from his hand.

Inspect the beach around the lake:

Check the map and see that it is modified with the flooded quarry and the beach. Go to the beach.

Examine the heavy vehicle traces: Look around.

At the crossroad of the main road and the side street to beach, look down and study the heavy vehicle traces.

The tracks are made by a carriage.

Examine the stone embedded on the tracks at the bottom. The carriage is heavy to press the stone into the ground.

Examine the deep tracks at top and bottom.

Take size. Measure using the measuring tape the distance between the 2 deep tracks. It is 6 feet 7 inches. A heavily loaded carriage passed through here.

These tracks are relatively fresh and similar to those at Evesham. Special transport was used to carry something very heavy to the lake.

Examine the beach advertising for lake cruises by the fence at right of the side road.

Examine the recently abandoned gypsy caravan at other side of road.

Examine the refuse behind the caravan. The place is abandoned fairly recently.

Examine the lake: Go to the edge of the lake. See that the water level of the lake is lowered. The lake flooded the quarry. The dam was probably breached.

Press the T key and look around.

See refuse left on the sand.

Examine the metal label at coastline.

Take the metal label and see Las Zarpas inscription on the metal.

Archives - Las Zarpas:    Go to the back of Holmes' carriage.

Search Las Zarpas on portable archives. Use the top right arrow to see the books at right cabinet door - Encyclopedias.

Scroll the subject matter at top to Technology.

Read about Las Zarpas - Barge transportation. Learn that the Las Zarpas barges are leaders in heavy goods transportation. They belong to the Mexican Consortium Caracal Company, who cover shipping, electricity services and mining. Press E key to enter the info.


Train has been sunk: Change some of the evidences from previous conclusion.

Chesterfield telegram + Station master of Chesterfield is untrustworthy = Passed Chesterfield Station.

The train passed through Chesterfield station, despite our being unsure if the station master sent the report.

Flooded quarry + Old railway to quarry = Could be sunk.

The train could have been sunk in the flooded quarry at Doncaster station.

Old railway to quarry + Stolen rail tracks = Railway to quarry.

Somebody stole the rails to temporarily cover the missing section of the old railway to the flooded quarry.

Special transport + Mexican barges = Barges

The Mexicans had recently utilised barges at the lake; probably to transport something very heavy.

Passed Chesterfield + railway to quarry + could be sunk + barges = Has been sunk.

The train has been sunk in the quarry.

Mexicans drowned Chileans:

Do the Has been sunk deduction above first. Change some of the evidences from previous conclusion.

Mines are collapsed + Mines are blasted = Sabotage.

The mines were collapsed with dynamite; somebody wanted to close them intentionally.

Has been sunk + Sabotage + Missed Doncaster + Mexican trap + Vanished earlier = Mexicans drowned the Chileans.

Conclusion:     Mexicans drowned the Chileans.

It was carefully planned murder. The Mexicans killed the Chileans, and sank the train in a flooded quarry to hide their crime.

Moral choice: Blind Justice or Political game or continue investigation.

Blind Justice:  It was carefully planned murder. The Mexicans killed the Chileans, and sank the train to hide their crime. The dam breach was played to their advantage - they used their own barges to keep the train on the run for a few seconds and then sank it in the flooded quarry. The railway tracks were removed to hide the crime. The Mexicans' inhumanity towards the Chileans cost many lives, so the decision was made to act quickly. Lestrade will be informed.

See what happened when Holmes lays the trap at "Trap the culprits".

Political game:  It was carefully planned murder. The Mexicans killed the Chileans, and sank the train to hide their crime. The dam breach was played to their advantage - they used their own barges to keep the train on the run for a few seconds and then sank it in the flooded quarry. The railway tracks were removed to hide the crime. A criminal organisation such as this cannot be confronted directly. It requires a delicate approach. The decision was made to give Mycroft the chance to resolve the conflict.

See what happened when Holmes lays the trap at "Trap the culprits".


See the summary of the case.

Clues found:    23

Conclusion and moral choice done are shown.

Use the space bar to see if the clues are all found. If green colored conclusion is seen, the conclusion is the best one in the game.

Replay ending will bring the game back before moral choice.

Accept decision? If you accept the decision, you cannot go back to replay this game and will proceed to next game.

Achievement obtained - Off the rails! Finish Train case.


221B Baker Street:

Deadly e xperiment:     Watson sees Holmes in agony on the couch. Holmes feels deathly.

Examine forehead to check temperature. Temperature seems normal.

Examine pupil. It is dilated.

Examine wrist to measure heart rate.

Count the pulse by clicking whenever a spike is seen at center of the graph. Holmes has weak pulse.

Achievement obtained; Child's play if 25 mini games and puzzles are finished without skipping.

Watson says that Holmes is dying and needs to be at the hospital.

Holmes wants the antidote. Watson gives the antidote. Holmes took hemlock and datura.

New case:    Inspector Lestrade is announced by Mrs. Hudson.

Lestrade is overwhelmed by cases. They found 2 tied up naked men stranded in a rowboat at the Thames. The Merry Men signed the RMS Oceanic banner found in the boat. The 2 banker chaps are sons of White Star Line owners that built the Oceanic. There are rumours of corruption.

Lestrade will work on that case and wants Holmes to investigate a crime with no murder weapon at the Roman baths in Strand Lane.

Previous case - Riddle on the Rails:

Open the casebook.

Chronicle:    If you finished the case, see the personality ranking. It depends on your moral choice. The conclusion and moral choice done are seen.

Trophy:    Train whistle from the handcar.

Echoes - messages:    The messages seen here depend on the moral choices and conclusion selected that closed the previous cases.

Check to see if there is mail on the mantle of the fireplace.

If Mr. Thomas Robinson was arrested by Lestrade as a swindler; get a message from Mycroft .

Sherlock, dear brother, you have made the most terrible mistake once again. Are you quite aware of who exactly Mr. Thomas Robinson is? Well, I shall tell you: not only is he a well- known inventor and a valued member of society, but he is also an official government negotiator for technical development. And now that he is in prison we shall have to find another inventor! Take a look at what you have done... I believe that you are blinded by so-called 'justice' above all things. Yours, Mycroft.

If Mr. Thomas Robinson was arrested by Mycroft as a swindler; see a newspaper account.

The technical progress of the British Empire is now an example to the international community! Three days ago, our own famous inventor, Mr. Thomas Robinson, presented a prototype of his most recent invention: the 'Autonomous Electricity Generator'. It caused an incredible furore! It is another confirmation of the fact that our Empire has produced so very many eminent people. In other news: a train has mysteriously disappeared en route to Evesham railway station...

If the Mexicans are arrested for the murder of the Chileans and the case was given to Mycroft; see a newspaper report.
The power of the Empire is growing stronger, day by day! As of yesterday, the Mexican consortium Caracal began serving the cause of the British Empire. This arrangement is undeniably profitable for London and England overall, and is a great achievement for our exceptional diplomatic and political community! In other news: a train has mysteriously disappeared en route to Evesham railway station...

If the Mexicans are arrested for the murder of the Chileans and the case was given to Lestrade; get a message from Mycroft.

Sherlock, dear brother, you have made the most terrible mistake once again. Are you quite aware of the fact that the Empire is at the brink of international conflict? How could you pass this incredibly sensitive case to those feather-brained Scotland Yard Bobbies? Very well, yes, they caught the criminals, but have you not read the newspapers? The great fuss that has risen around it? They are generalising all Mexicans! And as you may know, the Empire has arrangements with a great many varied and loyal Mexican enterprises. You should think about that. Yours, Mycroft.

Join Lestrade at the Strand Lane Baths.

Travel to Roman Baths using the map.

Lestrade states that Sir Rodney Bentcliffe was murdered.

The men with the victim in the steam room are: Sir Gregory Pitkin the manager of the bath, Garrow from the city council and Blinkhorn an archeologist.

There is no murder weapon and the witnesses were locked in while the murder occurred. They can't get out until the police arrived.

Mr. Phillips called the police.

Search the crime scene at the Strand Line Baths.

Talk to Alan Phillips:    Alan Phillips is sitting on the desk. He arrived here at 6:30 and opened the baths.

Learn that the brazier was lit yesterday. The men had a meeting at 9AM. The men has been in the steam room for 20 minutes when he heard shouting. He couldn't open the door and he called for the police.

The first to arrive was Sir Gregory Pitkin; followed by Sir Rodney, Blinkhorn and Garrow was the last.

Profile of Phillips:   Click on character icon to get a closeup.

Click on eye wrinkles.

Check the hair above the ear. He is clean cut and lives alone.

Check the collar of shirt. He wears a starched collar and is fastidious.

Check the shiny buttons of his coat.

Click on the Manchester City coat of arms on the coat.

Click on telegram in coat pocket. The telegram was sent today.

Click on hand - neat hands.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Apodytarium - changing room:    Go to the door marked Apodytarium, the changing room and Sudatorium, the steam room near Lestrade.

Look around and examine the 3 sets of folded clothes around the room.

Check the champagne bucket at right side of the room.

A bottle of Champagne and an ice bucket was found inside the changing room. We don't yet know who brought it.

Rotate to see the inside of the bucket.

Examine the melted ice.

Examine the wine label.

Examine the cork. The bottle is not opened.

Sudato rium - steam room:    Enter the door to the steam heated room.

Sir Rodney Bentcliffe:    See the body of the victim. Examine the victim's body.

Examine the face. Examine the wound on the eye. The right eye was pierced once reaching the brain and caused instant death.

Examine the blood on the body. The wound should not bleed much but the blood pool is quite large.

Examine the right hand. Examine the dirt under the fingernails. Holmes took a sample.

Examine ring finger. The victim was wearing a ring.

Examine the wrist. The death is very recent 30-60 minutes ago.

Automatically pull back. The Constable has removed the body.

Examine the pool of blood under the victim.

Examine the blood. Holmes took a blood sample.

Press T key. Take the key in the pool of blood.

Brazier:    Go to the brazier at back of room. Search the ashes. It is too hot and there's a melted metal on it.

Glasses:    Examine the glasses on the rim of the brazier.

Examine the crack on one lens. The other thick glass lens shows the owner has myopia.

Steam switch:    Go to left wall and examine a steam switch.

Read the builder's plate above the switch G. Newell & Sons from Seattle, WA.

Use the steam switch handle. See the room fill with steam and can't see few feet away.

Press T key to see the switch. Turn the handle to off position to remove the steam.

Garrow:   Talk to Garrow, the man at left. Examine the blood on towel. It is blood traces wiped on the towel.

Pitkin:    Talk to Pitkin.

Blinkhorn:    Talk to Blinkhorn. They all do not want to talk.

Grid:    Examine the grid on the post at end of the walls. The grid is not removable.

Other events and locations at Strand Line Baths:

Go outside to the circular room.

Release the suspects:     Lestrade talks to Holmes. Lestrade wants to release the suspects. No objections.

Phillips:    Talk to Phillips. There is only one key and Phillips left it on his desk. It disappeared.

Ask about leave work and immediately press the Q key. Select morning telegram as supporting information.

Phillips admits that he sent a telegram to Manchester (based on coat of arms). He was gone for 20 minutes when he left at 7:20 AM.

Phillips does not know about the champagne.

Sir Rodney Bentcliffe's office:    Enter the frigidarium door by the constable.

Enter the door at right with a nameplate. Look around.

Work table:   Examine the table beside the door. Take the tongs at left end. Examine the archeological tools.

Desk:    Examine the desk.

Take and read the Rodney draft letter about a press conference at the Strand Line Baths. Learn about his work in Egypt, 1893. His sponsor is Lord Blackmore.

Take the Daily Mirror newspaper that has article about Sir Rodney.

Take The Times newspaper that has article about the Sir Rodney reopening the Strand Roman Baths.

Photo Negatives:    Go to the shelves left of door.

Examine the box at middle shelf. It has photo negatives from Assouan 1888.

Examine the lid to open the box. Examine the slot of missing plate.

Examine the white glass plate at second from right side slot. It's an Egyptian statue.

Frigidarium - cold pool room:    Exit to hallway and go around the corner at right to the frigidarium.

A rock slide blocks the entry to the cold room.

Examine the fallen blocks. It can be removed if the investigation calls for it.

Brazier:    Go back to the brazier at the steam room.

Use the tongs to search the ashes.  Click-hold the tongs on the smelted metal and move it to bottom right edge of the brazier.

Belongings of the witnesses and the victim are in Scotland Yard ready to be examined.

Jump to Scotland Yard. Go to the evidence room first door at right at the hallway left of the constable counter.

Pitkin's belongings:    Examine the silk handkerchief with embroidered red lion and initials.

Examine the gold trimmed fountain pen and Sir Gregory Pitkin's visiting card.

Garrow's belongings: Examine the bloody towel.

Examine the phial of drug. Watson says it is St. John's Wort. Watson says that it can cause rashes and hallucination.

Garrow is under strong medication for melancholia.

Blinkhorn's belongings:    Take Sir Gregory Pitkin's letter.

Pitkin is not happy with Blinkhorn's work and gave him 2 months to finalize his frigidarium work.

Examine the simple pencil.

Bentcliffe's belongings:    Examine the belongings at right.

Examine the ring. Click on the ring break to learn that it had been repaired badly with silver. Examine the old Egyptian symbol of the very old ring.

Examine the old coin. Rotate it using the right click-hold of the mouse. It is an old coin with dirt.

Take the hand drawn map.

Examine Sir Rodney's notebook. See torn pages inside the notebook. The drawing on the left shows a column and statues.

Use the pencil and move it around the blank page at right to see the writing.

Use Watson's clean handkerchief to spread the graphite.

Read the message. Today, I almost found it, this date will go down in history.

A constable catches Holmes tampering with the evidence. He mentions that the autopsy is done.

According to Sir Rodney�s notes, he was about to make a remarkable discovery.

Sir Rodney's body is ready for examination.

Autopsy report:    Read the report from the coroner about Sir Rodney's autopsy.

Sir Rodney's autopsy:    Exit the evidence room and enter the second door right side of hallway. Go downstairs.

Examine the victim's body on the autopsy table.

Examine the wound on the head. The wound was made with a peculiarly curved and sharp weapon.

Examine the chest scar. There were traces of fungus possibly contracted from Egyptian tombs.

Examine the stomach scar.

Move to the right arm to rotate the body.

Examine the bruised back and bruised shoulders. Light bruises caused by rope. Sir Rodney was descended somewhere using a rope.

Analyze evidence at Baker Street.

Jump to Baker Street.

Toby:    Talk to Toby on the couch. LOL.

Newspaper:    Go to the newspaper archives right of fireplace.

Research Bentcliffe - 1893. Scroll to 1893.

Select Bentcliffe's mummy. Read about the mummy with enucleated eye in strange position. She is called Desperate Mummy. Symbols found in the tomb are common with Mithraic Mysteries.

Analysis table:    Go to analysis table left of the windows.

Analyze dirt:   Examine the dirt sample from the nails of the victim.

Focus the lens using the mouse scroll wheel.

Move the cursor to examine selenite, pyrite and white clay particles. It is white clay.

Location:    Examine the Geology of the London Basin.

See that #8 is where white London clay is located.

Move cursor to circle #8 on map. It is near St. Albans.

Analyze blood: Examine blood sample slide.

Focus the lens using the scroll button of the mouse.

Take the pipette from holder at right and use it on the peroxide bottle.

Drop peroxide on 3 areas of the blood. The blood around the victim was highly diluted with water.

Analyze metal:    Examine the metal sample.

It might be silver. To compare, Holmes place a silver coin beside it.

Take pipette and use it in the acid at top left.

Drop acid on silver coin. See a reddish spot.

Drop acid on metal piece. See a similar reddish spot.

It is silver; Britannia silver quality. Britannia silver was found melted in the brazier.

Suspects at Scotland Yard are ready for interrogation.

Jump to Scotland Yard. Go to the jail cell and interrogate the witnesses.

Percival Blinkhorn:    Talk to Mr. Blinkhorn to automatically have him in the interrogation room.

He is an archeologist specializing in Roman periods. He convinced Sir Rodney about his work, enough for Sir Rodney to come here.

Blinkhorn did not see anything. He heard Garrow covered with blood shout and they tried to all exit. He had an argument with Sir Rodney yesterday about participation in London Archeologist Congress.

The ring is the Assouan ring that Sir Rodney brought back from Egypt.

Garrow has been acting strange lately; hears voices and has visions.

Everyone has noticed that Garrow has been acting very strangely and complaining of frightening hallucinations.

Click on Q key when asked about work progress. Select Pitkin letter for corroborating clue. Blinkhorn says that since Sir Rodney arrived, Pitkin has calmed down.

Blinkhorn does not know about the silver in the brazier or the champagne.

Sir Rodney's arrival saved the archaeological research at the Baths.

Profile of Blinkhorn:   Click on the character icon.

Check the focused and attentive eyes.

Check his shirt. It has rusty bracers and is shabby workwear. He is not wealthy.

Check the shirt sleeve. It has dirt from recent earthwork.

Click on calloused hand.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Sir Gregory Pitkin:    Talk to Pitkin to automatically have him in the interrogation room.

Pitkin does not like Sir Rodney but his work leads to success for the baths.

The steam test this morning worked well.

Pitkin thinks that Sir Rodney is working at another place than the baths.

Click on Q key to ask about work progress. Select Pitkin letter to Blinkhorn.

Sir Gregory wanted to fire Blinkhorn in order to stop the excavation of the Roman Baths, so that he might open them to the public.

Pitkin thinks Garrow is a parasite but not sure if he's a murderer.

He doesn't know about the silver and thinks Rodney brought the champagne.

Profile of Pitkin:    Click on character icon.

Check the edge of his left eyebrow - eye. He has an arrogant look.

Click on mouth shape that showed disdain.

Check the signet ring on finger. He has aristocratic roots.

Check the gold chain on his cashmere waistcoat. He is man of wealth.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Pitkin wanted to fire Blinkhorn to end the baths restoration and open them to the public.

Tristram Garrow:    Talk to Garrow to automatically have him in the interrogation room.

Garrow is a Councillor of the District chamber.

He is not feeling well and recalls the victim's eye.

Garrow says he saw the knife flying in the air. It is a knife shining like gold.

Sir Rodney was secretive. Sir Rodney left Thursday and when he came back showed wet Roman coins to Garrow.

Sir Rodney was lying to everyone about his work. He was working alone, and secretly.

Garrow wants the cursed ring destroyed. Garrow worked on it in the workshop.

The old coin is from third century.

Holmes gave Garrow his drug.

Garrow says the silver didn't help; the power was too strong.

Garrow did not bring the champagne.

Garrow�s glasses were broken by heat, the brazier was very hot.

Profile of Garrow:    Click on the character icon.

Click on his perspiring forehead.

Click on beard. He is badly shaven.

Check his eyes. He has eye bags.

Check his sleeves. He wears dirty clothes.

Check the Hamsa hand; a protective amulet hanging on his vest. He is superstitious.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Task - Deduction:

Rodney's lie + Stolen notes = Mortal Secret.

Why would Sir Rodney hide something? Could Sir Rodney's discovery be the motive of the crime?

The last expedition:   Find where Sir Rodney was days before his murder and uncover this precious secret of his.

Search the excavation site:

Combine the 2 maps:   Go back to Baker Street. Go to the map on the wall left of the door.

Examine-look close and see the map taken from Sir Rodney's belongings.

Drag the map to the lower right part of the map - Prospect Rd, River Ver and Hopwell.

Click-hold-move the paper to the matching lines of the map.

Overlay the paper to match and then click. Holmes calls to Watson to pack his bag.

St. Alban's dig site:    Jump to St. Albans in the map. Holmes and Watson arrive in a carriage.

Read the restricted sign and learn that the archeological field is closed until further notice.

Enter through the gate right of the sign.

Archeological discovery hut - Domum Hadriano:

Examine the door left opened.

Enter the hut that has a sign Domum Hadriano - Hadrian's Home.

Look around at the pottery, shards and other items found at the site.

Desk:    Examine the desk. Study the map on the wall. It shows the map of an old Roman city.

Take the document about the hidden temple or Mithras.

Learn that Mithras temples hide under the temples of other deities like Juno or Neptune.

Work table by door:    Examine the desk by door.

Take the cubes.

Take the report - Tauroctomy knife states that the knife used in tauroctomy - killing the bull is a curved sacrificial blade. A golden knife is the key to the Mithraic mysteries. The golden knife carries a curse that will spill the blood of the unworthy.

Take the Mithraic Mysteries. Learn about the 7 grades of initiation and meeting in underground temples. The iconic scenes of Mithras show him born from a rock and slaughtering a bull.

Shelf :    Go to the shelf on the wall at right and take the Curses and beliefs document.

Learn that to ward themselves from the evil eye, Romans would melt valuables in the fire - like silver or tin.

Look around outside close to the hut.

Area 1 - Triclinium:

Go across and down the ramp. Look around.

Examine the fresco under the ramp. Examine the Cyclop helping Vulcan at the forge. Examine Vulcan the god of fire and metal working.

Climb the steps left of the cyclop.

Area 2 - Pits:

Go left from the steps and forward to the pits. See rope on top of a crate.

Examine the pit at right. Automatically pull up archeological tools. Take the trowel.

Area 3 - Arch of Hadrian:    Go through the Arch and through the walkway.

Area 4 - Tablinium:

Go forward; go a bit to the right and down the ramp to be at the ground level below the walkways.

Go forward to the end of the dug passage.

Press the T key to see something on the wall at end of passage.

Examine the wall. The wall was covered by mud recently.

Use the trowel on the wall.

Scrape the dried mud off by left click-hold-move. It is the picture drawn in Sir Rodney's notebook.

Click on the word Frigidarium at top right. It is the one in London. Holmes needs to visit this place.

Area 5 - Temple:

Go back up the ramp. Go left and forward to the broken columns area.

Look around. See a box of hooks.

Check the 4 statues. Examine Neptune with his trident and Minerva with her helmet.

Examine the bull statue.

Archeological discovery hut - Arturus Domum:

Go to the hut by the water. Examine the door. It was left opened. Someone must have left in a hurry.

Enter the hut and look around.

Check the shelves. Take the document - Bentcliffe power from top shelf. Sir Rodney reports to his mentor Lord Blackmore about problems with Pitkin and about a major archeological artifact that he is about to discover.

Take the document from the lower shelf - Gastraphetes. Ice freezing and ancient Greek crossbow - Gastraphetes are mentioned.

Check the other table. See a dismounted device or an ancient Greek crossbow and a schematic of how the gastraphetes are used. They are used with hooks and ropes.

Bridge:    Go to the bridge platform right of the hut.

Examine the map board. See the map of the the old Roman city and the drawing of the usage of a gastraphete.

Look across the water and see 2 ruined bridge pillars.

Scotland Yard:

Go to Scotland Yard and interrogate the suspects.

Blinkhorn:    Learn that they are hoping to find the Golden Knife at the baths.

Pitkin:    Learn that Sir Rodney believes that the Golden Knife is at the baths.

Garrow:    Sir Rodney believes that he is the worthy one to get the Golden Knife. Garrow has visions of golden knife, the mummy...

Rodney Bentcliffe left leads that points to the Frigidarium.

Travel to Roman baths. Phillips says they cleared the way to the Frigidarium.

Enter the door by the constable.

Sir Rodney's workshop:    Enter the workshop at right and go to the table left of the desk.

See a document on top of a perforated metal plate.

Take and read Bentcliffe's research. This metal plate � besides its archaeological interest � appears to be a part of something larger. At the present moment I am unable to determine exactly what that might be.

Examine and rotate the plate. Take the perforated metal plate.

Frigidarium:    Go to the door at end of the hallway. Enter and look around.

See the cold pool surrounded by columns and statues. This is the drawing seen in Sir Rodney's book and the fresco at the archeological site.

Statues :    Look at the statues and note that there are 5 visible statues. One is missing.

Column icons:    Check the bases of the columns around the pool and see that some of the flagstones have icons that can be pushed in-out.

From hallway by entryway and going left and around: spider, helmet, ship, one eyed face, wreath, scorpion, caduceus, trident and jug.

Flagstones of note:    When the flagstones are pushed in; see that 3 of them have hidden symbols. The rest do not have anything remarkable.

Press the 3 icons seen at St. Albans dig site that have the hidden symbols (in any order): one eyed face of Cyclops, helmet (worn by Minerva) and trident (held by Neptune).

See that these 3 flagstones have their respective statues in the pool by the columns.

Connect the statues:    Sherlock needs imagination - press the F key.

See lines of the symbols seen when the flagstones are pushed in.

Combine all 3 statues' elements to find their secret.

Click on the lines on the base of a statue to select it. Move around to rotate the lines connected to that statue.

Click again to release the lines. Form connecting lines.

The formed line is pointing to the bust.

Bust:    Go to the bust close to Neptune statue. Look close at the highlighted bust and examine the bust.

Rotate the bust and the secret entrance right of the main door to Frigidarium opens.

Search tunnels:

Enter the secret entryway right of the main door that is now open. Climb down the hole via rope.

Tunnel:    Examine the bag of crude salt at right corner.

Examine the ground by the salt. Take the lamp.

Take the ice cream maker-box and the broken glass plate.

Salt and ice buckets were stored in the tunnels under the Frigidarium.

Frescoes:    Go to the next room.

Check the frescoes in the tunnel. Examine the middle fresco.

It is of Mithras the god wearing an Anatolian costume and Phrygian cap killing the bull.

Examine and study the next fresco. It is a ladder or hierarchy. Get the Seven Grades of Initiation document.

Catacomb:    Look around the next room.

Right front brushwood pillar:   Go to the right front corner and examine the freestanding pillar.

See a perforated plate at the back of the alcove. Use the brushwood.

See an animal head-bull shadow made by the brushwood fire on the floor.

Continue to the right side-wall of the room. See mummified bodies on the niches.

Skeleton:    Check the skeleton on the floor by the niches.

Examine the dead man face. It has broken orbit and died the same way as Sir Rodney.

Examine the shoes. He was a tomb raider from medieval time and so was punished.

Right back brushwood pillar:    Go to the right back corner (close to skeleton).

Examine pillar. See a perforated plate at the back. Use the brushwood.

The shadow made by the brushwood light on floor is a face - Mithras.

Left front brushwood pillar:   Go to the left front corner.

Examine pillar. See a perforated plate at the back. Use the brushwood.

See a trident shadow made by the brushwood fire on the floor.

Left back brushwood pillar:    The pillar has collapsed. There's a mummy beside the collapsed pillar.

A plate should have made a shadow when the brushwood on the pillar is lit.

Reconstruct the shadow made by the collapsed column.

Examine the collapsed pillar. Press the F key to see a reconstruction if the pillar is standing.

Use the perforated plate taken from Sir Rodney's office on the opening of the reconstruction.

A shadow of a bridge is seen on the floor.

Shadow on the floor:    Check the shadow on the floor now that all 4 pillars are examined.

They are: face; the reconstructed shadow is a bridge, bull and trident.

It shows the way to Mithras - after the trident, bull and bridge.

Last room:    Go to next room. Examine the shovel and the fallen blocks.

Find the missing weapon used to kill Sir Rodney.

Jump back to Baker Street. Go to the analysis table.

Mould:    Put the cubes together so that it forms a mould.

There are 3 layers of cubes. The reddish cube of the middle layer is the starting cube.

Left click to select and toggle-click again to deselect a cube.

Right click-hold-turn to rotate the selected cube.

Deselect all and the click-hold-turn to see the sides of the cubes.

Q key-click-hold-turn does a vertical rotation. This enables to see the top or bottom of the cubes.

1. Move the cubes to the correct layer first. Select the cube and then click on another cube to interchange them.

Do a vertical rotation by press-hold the Q key and then use the arrow to right-click-hold-move at the same time.

- The top layer has flat (no grooves) on the top.

- The bottom layer does not have grooves at the bottom of the cube.

2. Position the cubes correctly by matching the shapes of the grooves/raised parts.

- Arrange the middle cubes first. The reddish cube of the middle layer is the starting cube.

- Turn the cube (left click to select and then right click to turn) so that the outer-non grooves dies are outside.

- Examine the shape of the raised part/groove on top and bottom of the cube.

- Match those shapes with another cube.

- Position that cube next to the matching cube.

- Check the positioning by pressing the W key.

3. Do the bottom and then the top layers.

- Once the middle cubes can join together, work on the bottom layer.

- Arrange the blank walls to the outside.

- Check the groove of the middle layer to see which match the ones on top of the bottom layer.

- Check the side grooves/raised part on the sides.

- Do the top after the middle and bottom cubes can combine.

Make a plaster cast:

Examine the sauce pan to learn that you need half glass of water is enough for the plaster.

Take the flask of water and pour on the plaster in the sauce pan. Mix using the spoon.

Take saucepan and pour on the cast.

Take the mould and open it.

Take the plaster cast of the knife. Examine the cast.

The mould found in St Albans was created to copy the Golden Knife of Mithras. Its shape fits the pattern of the murder weapon.

Photography development:

Put together the broken glass plate found at the tunnel. Click-hold-drop the pieces together.

Holmes asks Watson to process the glass plate. Holmes develops the film.

Wipe the film clean.

Ice making photo:

Examine the pyramids. It is the pyramids of Gizeh.

Examine the inscription - They made ice cream in the desert.

Examine Rodney Bentcliffe with the hat.

Examine the ice cream in Sir Rodney's hands.

Examine the bucket of ice.

Examine the salt.

Examine another archeologist and the ice cream he is holding.

A glass plate negative of Sir Rodney eating ice-cream in front of the pyramids. It reveals how to make ice-cream by mixing salt and crushed ice. It was destroyed.

Task - Deductions:

Open deduction by pressing B key.

Glass plate negative + Salt and Ice = Ice Trial

Someone was experimenting with the Roman method of ice production.

Strange wound + The Mould form = Moulded weapon

The mould was used to create the murder weapon.

Ice trial + Moulded weapon = Create an ice knife.

Check if an ice knife can be created with the materials found.

Inside Brazier + Broken glasses = Possible silver weapon.

An item of silver has been recently melted in the brazier.

Possible silver weapon + moulded weapon = Create a silver knife

Check if we can create a silver knife with the materials found.

The cast can be used to create an ice reproduction of the Golden knife.

Ice experiment: Go to analysis table and do ice experiment.

Examine mould and learn to pour water in it.

Take water and pour in mould.

Use ice pick on ice and add to the mould bucket.

Add salt to lower the temperature.

To solidify the water inside the mould, the temperature needs to be minus 20 degrees.

Watch the thermometer. Once the = equals sign is seen immediately; add ice or salt.

Time the crushing of ice ahead of the = sign on the thermometer. The addition of crushed ice is automatic.

Take the salt ahead and ready to be added when the = sign appears.

When minus 20 is reached; take the mould and open it.

Examine the ice dagger.

We can create an ice weapon with the clues found at the crime scene.

The cast can be used to create a silver reproduction of the Golden knife.

Silver experiment: Go to analysis table and do silver experiment.

Take the silver piece and place it in the sauce pan.

Activate the gas burner.

Take saucepan with melted silver and pour it in the mould.

Take the mould and open it.

Take the cast - silver knife and examine it.

We can create a silver weapon with the clues found at the crime scene.


Strange wound + very liquid blood = Unexplained clue.

The presence of water in the blood is an unexplained clue. It must be somehow linked to the murder process.

Champagne + Ice weapon = Possible Ice weapon.

This ice weapon was initially created and preserved in the ice of the champagne bucket.

Unexplained clue + Possible ice weapon = Method: Ice Knife.

The murderer hid the weapon inside the ice bucket with Champagne. After the attack, the knife was left to melt, so causing the excess of water in the blood pool.

Strange wound + very liquid blood = Steam moisture.

The presence of water is due to the humid atmosphere caused by the steam.

Inside brazier + Silver knife = Possible Silver weapon.

The silver weapon was used and then destroyed in the brazier after the crime.

Steam moisture + Possible Silver weapon = Method: Silver Knife

The murderer hid the weapon in the clouded steam room. He then placed the knife in the brazier in order to destroy it, which resulted in the melted silver that we found.

Find the way to Mithraeum.

The hidden Mithraeum lies at excavation site at St. Albans. The bridge pier seems to hold a secret.

Travel to St. Albans.

Location of Mithras:    Stand by Neptune with the trident. Then go to the bull. See that a line can be formed to the left broken pillar of the bridge that is in the water.

Bridge:     Go to the platform close to the water. Look at the map.

Look across the water and examine bridge. See 3 rings on the small rocky island.

Examine all 3 rings and Holmes says he needs to find a way to get there (trigger).

See there are ropes tied to the railing of the platform.

Cross the bridge:

Rope:    Go back to area 2 - the Pits. Take the rope from top of crate between the pits.

Hook:    Go back to area 5 - Temple. Take a hook from the box at the broken columns.

Gastraphete:    Go back to the hut left of bridge.

Reconstruct the gastraphete: Examine the gastraphete - crossbow on the table.

Take and place the handle to one end of the bar.

Take and place the shutter on other end.

Take and place mechanism housing at center of bar.

Rotate the partly made gastraphete to see the bow rabbet.

Take and place bow at the bow rabbet.

Take the gastraphete.

Fire the rope:    Go back to the bridge and look at the rings on the island.

See that the rings are perfect targets. Fire the rope on all 3 rings.

Click to get a close-up of the rings. Click again to fire. Center the ring on the target.

Cross the rope bridge: Tightrope to the island.

Left click to make a step. See a white arrow to go forward. See left or right arrows when you lean one side or the other.

Immediately press the A for left arrow seen or D key for right arrow seen until you reach the other side. Space bar skips the puzzle.

Search the Mithras:

Maze:    Holmes and unseen Watson climb down the rope into an underground hallway.

Look around and see the rope hanging from above.

Go forward and right to the start of the maze.

Remember that the Mithraic initiates go through 7 grades to get to the temple. Recall the fresco with the 7 degrees of initiation or hierarchy or the 7 Grades of Initiation document.

Go down the stairs to be in a hexagonal room.

Note that the arch Holmes came out of has a diadem icon. There are 4 other archways with icons above the entryway.

Select - enter the entryway that has the symbol for that level seen on the hierarchy document.

First exit:    Go through the 2 snakes on a staff-caduceus archway. Go forward, right down the stairs and left until the light. Be in another room with 3 other entryways.



Second exit:     Go through the diadem archway. Go forward. Climb the steps at right.

Be in another hexagonal room. The 3 entryways are blocked by grate gates.

Rock scale puzzle:    The table at the center has rock-scale puzzle.

The aim is to balance the 3 wooden scales with the colored rocks around it.

Place the rocks on the wooden scales until the 3 are lowered evenly.

Left pan - red; middle pan - large white and small green, right pan - large black and small brown.

The gates rise.

After gates:    Go through the helmet (middle) archway. Go downstairs, then left-downstairs and be in another room.

Go through the thunderbolt archway. Go down the stairs, right, go left and then up another set of stairs.

Go through the sickle moon with morning star archway at right. Go forward, right, up another stairs and left to the next room.

Go through Helios crown archway across where you came out of. Go forward, right, left, left and right midway of the hallway.

Go through the Phyrgian cap archway. Go forward, left midway this hallway and up the long stairs to the temple.



Sickle moon

and morning star

Helios crown

Phrygian cap

The Golden Knife might lie somewhere in the Mithraeum - Mithras Temple:

Watson is seen now. Look around. Go to the altar beyond a short hallway.

Altar:    Go forward. See the statue of Mithras holding the golden knife and doing a tauroctomy on the bull.

Look down at the steps and see a broken lamp. Sir Rodney was never here. The murderer left the lamp.

Open the gate to Mithras altar:

Press the Q key to change characters.

There are 2 open gates at outer ring.

While standing at center of temple and facing the the altar, go through the open gate at right and be at outer ring of the temple. See a lever on the wall and a closed gate at left.

Climb the stairs at right and see a closed gate midway that has steps leading up to the exit. There are 2 levers on each wall.

Continue downstairs to the right and see another closed gate around the outer ring.

Holmes:    Get Holmes through the gate.

Go back to the lever left of the steps.

Activate the lever on the wall. This opens the gate at other side of the stairs.

Watson:    Change to Watson and enter the gate right of the steps. Go through the now opened outer ring gate going right.

Activate the lever on the wall. This opens the gate by Holmes - left outer ring hallway.

Holmes:    Get Holmes to deactivate the lever he is holding and enter the now opened gate at left.

See 3 levers on the wall. Activate the right lever. This opens the gate right of Watson.

Watson:    Deactivate the lever Watson is holding and this will close the gate by Holmes.

Go through the now opened gate at right. See 2 levers on wall.

Activate the left lever which opens the gate by Holmes.

Holmes:    Deactivate the right lever to lock Watson in his cell.

Exit to the center of temple.

Watson:    Deactivate the left lever.

Activate the right lever to open the gate to the Mithras altar.

Holmes:    Enter the Mithras altar.

Take the golden dagger. A pillar rises to block the exit down the maze.

The mythical Golden Knife was lying under the excavating site. It is a huge discovery but not by Sir Rodney's!

Achievement obtained: Raider of the Tombs. Retrieve the Golden Knife from the ancient temple of Mithras.

Exit the temple:

Holmes:    Get Holmes to go to the outer ring by lever left of steps.

Watson:    Deactivate the right lever to close the gate to the Mithras altar.

Activate the left lever to open the gate by Holmes.

Holmes:    Enter the opened gate at left and be at the 3 levers.

Activate the right lever to open Watson's left gate.

Watson:    Deactivate left lever to lock Holmes in.

Exit to the now opened gate at left. Activate lever to open Holmes' gate.

Holmes:    Deactivate right lever.

Activate middle lever to open the gate left of Watson.

Watson:    Deactivate the lever and then exit at left.

Climb up to the top of the stairs-platform.

Holmes:    Deactivate middle lever.

Activate left lever to open the gate by Watson at top of stairs.

Watson:    Enter the now open gate at top of stairs.

Activate the lever at right while facing the long stairs. This opens Holmes' gate.

Holmes:    Deactivate the left lever locking Watson behind the gate.

Exit and go to the gate at top of stairs where Watson is located.

Watson:    Deactivate the right lever. Activate the left lever to open the gate.

Holmes:    Enter and climb the stairs to exit the Temple of Mithras.

Watson:    Deactivate the left lever. Go and join Holmes at top of stairs.

Deduction - Sir Rodney Bentcliffe was killed but who hold the weapon?

Golden knife + Stolen notes = Valuable secret

Sir Rodney's secret was an important discovery: a metaphorical bomb! He could use it as a powerful means of annihilating anyone who stood in his way, that he alone might take the fame and the glory.

Pitkin is innocent:

Pitkin's complaints = Effective arrival = Pitkin's hopes.

Pitkin expects to receive much of value from Sir Rodney's research. The work will increase the Baths' renown and popularity.

Garrow is innocent:

Garrow's behaviour + Garrow drugs = Garrow's weakness

Garrow is melancholic. He is a victim of overmedication, hence the hallucinations and unpredictable behaviour. His state has been worsened by the shock of Sir Rodney's death.

Blinkhorn is innocent:

Pitkin's fight + Effective arrival = Blinkhorn's interest.

Blinkhorn's work was saved by the arrival of Sir Rodney. He was thankful for the possibility of their working together, and the chance of learning from him.

Murder weapon:    Select the murder weapon of your choice from previous deduction: ice knife or silver knife.

Pitkin is the murderer (murder weapon of your choice):

Blinkhorn and Garrow should be innocent.

Golden knife + Stolen notes = Valuable secret.

Sir Rodney's secret was an important discovery: a metaphorical bomb! He could use it as a powerful means of annihilating anyone who stood in his way, that he alone might take the fame and the glory.

Pitkin's complaint + Effective arrival = Pitkin's worries.

Pitkin feels rather uncomfortable postponing the public opening of the Roman Baths because of Sir Rodney. He was angry because of this.

Pitkin's Worries + Valuable secret = Motive: Stop Takeover

Even if Pitkin is the owner of the Baths, he will surely lose them, for this major discovery will change everything. It will turn the Baths into a permanent excavation site to preserve the research. It will never achieve the commercial status that Pitkin desires.

Conclusion: Pitkin is the murderer (murder weapon of your choice).

He killed Sir Rodney to conceal their discovery; the only way to save the Roman Baths from the upcoming excavations. He intended to start his own business.

- He used an ice-made reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras.

- He used a silver reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras.

Moral choice:    Condemn, Absolve or Continue the investigation

Note - Choose one of the moral choices to see an ending for this conclusion.

Confirm moral choice.

After seeing what happened after this moral choice - click on "replay ending" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision.

Condemn Pitkin:   Pitkin was humiliated by Sir Rodney, and so devised a plan to first eliminate him and then open the Baths for business.

- He melted silver coins to create a silver reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras, murdered Bentcliffe and then threw the knife in a brazier. He believed that the mystery of the murder would attract the public and bring him, as the owner, a great deal of money.

- He used a handmade ice-maker to create an ice-made reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras, carried it to the steam room in an ice-bucket with Champagne and then, after the murder, dropped the knife onto the floor, allowing it to dissolve into water. He believed that the mystery of the murder would attract the public and bring him, as the owner, a great deal of money."

Pitkin denies the accusation.

Absolve Pitkin:     Pitkin was the legitimate owner of the Baths, and Sir Rodney was about to take over the rights. Pitkin attempted to resolve the conflict, but he did not have the power to succeed.

- So he melted silver coins to create a silver reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras, murdered Bentcliffe and then threw the knife in a brazier. If Bentcliffe had accepted the compromise, Pitkin would not have killed him.

-  So he used a handmade ice-maker to create an ice-made reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras, carried it to the steam room in an ice-bucket with Champagne and then, after the murder, dropped the knife onto the floor, allowing it to dissolve into water. If Bentcliffe had accepted the compromise, Pitkin would not have killed him.

Pitkin denies the accusation.

Replay moral choice to see other endings.

Garrow is the murderer (murder weapon of your choice):

Blinkhorn and Pitkin should be innocent.

Golden knife + Stolen notes = Valuable secret

Garrow's behaviour + Garrow's drug = Garrow's illness

Garrow is tortured by his obsession with the Mithras curse. He has been driven insane, a condition worsened by the medication he is taking.

Garrow's illness + Valuable secret = Motive: Paranoia

Garrow's suffering was too great. After Sir Rodney's grand discovery, Garrow lived in fear of the Mithras curse and so developed heightened feelings of paranoia.

Conclusion: Garrow is the murderer (murder weapon of your choice).

He killed Sir Rodney in a fit of obsession due to his intense nervous state. The only way to ease his suffering was to perform a ritual killing.

- He used a silver reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras.

- He used an ice-made reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras.

Moral decision:   Condemn, Absolve or Continue the investigation.

Note - Choose one of the moral choices to see an ending for this conclusion.

Confirm moral choice.

After seeing what happened after this moral choice - click on "replay ending" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision.

Condemn Garrow :

- Garrow killed Bentcliffe because of his mental state -- he is either a psychopath or he is suffering from schizophrenia. The only way to ease his suffering was to perform a ritual killing. He melted silver coins to create a silver reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras and then threw it in a brazier. We are unable to determine if his actions were deliberately manipulative or due to genuine illness. He needs to be put away for life.

- Garrow killed Sir Rodney in a fit of obsession due to his intense nervous state. He used a handmade ice-maker to create an ice-made reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras, carried it to the steam room in an ice-bucket with Champagne and then, after the murder, dropped the knife onto the floor, allowing it to dissolve into water. We are unable to determine if his actions were deliberately manipulative or due to genuine illness. He needs to be put away for life.

Garrow is surprised that he killed Bentcliffe. Holmes was not fooled by Garrow's act.

Absolve Garrow :

- Garrow killed Bentcliffe because of his mental state. The only way to ease his suffering was to perform a ritual killing. He melted silver coins to create a silver reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras and then threw it in a brazier. Garrow needs suitable treatment at a mental institution. He cannot be held responsible for his crime as he was under the strong psychotropic effect of St. John's Wort.

- Garrow killed Bentcliffe because of his mental state. The only way to ease his suffering was to perform a ritual killing. He used a handmade ice-maker to create an ice-made reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras, carried it to the steam room in an ice-bucket with Champagne and then, after the murder, dropped the knife onto the floor, allowing it to dissolve into water. Garrow needs suitable treatment at a mental institution. He cannot be held responsible for his crime as he was under the strong psychotropic effect of St. John's Wort.

Garrow is surprised that he killed Bentcliffe. Dr. Watson will take care of Garrow's treatment.

Replay moral choice to see other endings.

Blinkhorn is the murderer (murder weapon of your choice):

Pitkin and Garrow should be innocent.

Golden knife + Stolen notes = Valuable secret

Pitkin's fight + Effective arrival = Blinkhorn's humiliation

Blinkhorn's work was saved by the arrival of Sir Rodney, but at a high cost to his morale.

Blinkhorn's humiliation + Valuable secret = Motive: Vengeance

Blinkhorn is a deserving specialist who is aware that he is about to be cast aside over a major discovery. He will lose his chance of a lifetime.

Conclusion: Blinkhorn is the murderer (murder weapon of your choice).

- He killed Sir Rodney to avenge an abuse of power. The death would be to his financial benefit and would allow him to emerge as a luminary in his field. He used a silver reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras.

- He killed Sir Rodney to avenge an abuse of power. The death would be to his financial benefit and would allow him to emerge as a luminary in his field. He used an ice-made reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras.

Moral decision:   Condemn, Absolve or Continue the investigation.

Condemn Blinkhorn :

- Blinkhorn knew of Bentcliffe's intention to take all of the credit for the discovery of the Golden Knife. He devised a cunning plan that would not only eliminate his rival but would award him the fame of discovery. He melted silver coins to create a silver reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras, murdered Bentcliffe and then threw the knife in a brazier. The rope is a fitting punishment.

- Blinkhorn knew of Bentcliffe's intention to take all of the credit for the discovery of the Golden Knife. He devised a cunning plan that would not only eliminate his rival but would award him the fame of discovery. He used a handmade ice-maker to create an ice-made reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras, carried it to the steam room in an ice-bucket with Champagne and then, after the murder, dropped the knife onto the floor, allowing it to dissolve into water. The rope is a fitting punishment.

Blinkhorn is in leg cuffs. He denies the accusation. Holmes shows him the golden knife of Mithras.

Absolve Blinkhorn :

- The Golden Knife of Mithras was the result of his life's work, and the credit for it was about to be stolen by Bentcliffe. Sir Rodney's powerful connections and dominant will would have destroyed Blinkhorn if he had tried to resist. He melted silver coins to create a silver reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras, murdered Bentcliffe and then threw the knife in a brazier. If Blinkhorn had been given the opportunity to claim true ownership of his discovery, he would not have killed Bentcliffe.

- The Golden Knife of Mithras was the result of his life's work, and the credit for it was about to be stolen by Bentcliffe. Sir Rodney's powerful connections and dominant will would have destroyed Blinkhorn if he had tried to resist. He used a handmade ice-maker to create an ice-made reproduction of the Golden Knife of Mithras, carried it to the steam room in an ice-bucket with Champagne and then, after the murder, dropped the knife onto the floor, allowing it to dissolve into water. If Blinkhorn had been given the opportunity to claim true ownership of his discovery, he would not have killed Bentcliffe.

Holmes shows the golden knife to Blinkhorn and told him he knows that Blinkhorn found the knife. Holmes is also impressed with the usage of the ghost knife. Blinkhorn denies the accusation. Holmes will uphold the truth of  Blinkhorn's discovery and follow his career.

Replay moral choice to see other endings.


See the summary of the case.

Clues found:    18

Conclusion and moral choice done are shown.

Use the space bar to see if the clues are all found.

Selection for replay case and replay moral choice are seen.

Accept decision?

Achievement obtained: Blood and Ice. Finish Blood Bath case.


221B Baker Street:

Sherlock Holmes wakes up Doctor John Watson. Holmes informs Watson about a letter sent by Inspector Lestrade.

Read Lestrade's letter:    Talk to Toby the dog on the floor beside Holmes.

Go to the table left of door.

Examine the letter.

Examine the address and the wax seal - E.B.

Right click-hold-turn the letter. Examine the Brackenstall coat of arms.

Read Inspector's letter that is automatically placed in the Documents.

Inspector Lestrade wants assistance in a case at Abbey Grange. He mentions that he released the lady.

Previous case - Blood Bath:

Open the casebook.

Chronicle:    If you finished the case, see the personality ranking. It depends on your moral choice. The conclusion and moral choice done are seen.

Trophy:    Silver knife A silver cast of the Mithras ritual knife.

Echoes - messages:    The messages seen here depend on the moral choices and conclusion selected that closed the previous cases.

Check to see if there is mail on the mantle of the fireplace.

If Blinkhorn was absolved, get a letter from Blinkhorn.
Mr. Holmes, Today is the very first time that I have been allowed to write a single letter � and you are the first person whom I would wish to address. I repent all that I have done, but at the same time I find myself grateful for your uncovering the truth. It has given me an enormous life lesson! I also thank you for my conditional sentence, for soon I may be able to live a fulfilling life once again, and not be condemned by society. Yours sincerely, Percival Blinkhorn.

If Blinkhorn was condemned, read the newspaper.
A colossal scandal in high society! The well- known and remarkable archaeologist, the pride of our nation, Sir Rodney Bentcliffe, has been found murdered! The crime took place at the Roman Baths in Strand Lane: the location of the archaeologist's most recent research. But what is most truly shocking is that the murder of Sir Rodney was at the hand of his former friend and partner, Percival Blinkhorn. The death sentence is the only possible punishment for this breed of villain.

Meet Lestrade at Abbey Grange.

Click on-jump to Abbey Grange.

Holmes and Watson travel to Abbey Grange.

Foyer of Abbey Grange: Inspector Lestrade meets them at the foyer. Lestrade says that the case is already solved.

Lady Brackenstall has reported that the Lewisham gang of burglars - the three Randalls (father and 2 sons) stole the silver service. Sir Eustace Brackenstall was murdered.

There were witnesses who identified the criminals: the notorious Randall gang.

The Lady was assaulted and is now with the maid Theresa Wright in the morning room.

Watson goes to the dining room to examine the body of Lord Brackenstall.

Look around at the portraits of the Lords of the manor. If all the portraits are examined, Holmes will make a comment.

Talk to witness about last night.

Morning room: Enter the morning room through the double doors at left.

Talk to Lady Brackenstall:  Lady Brackenstall informs Holmes that she is in a not happy marriage for a year.

Talk to Lady Brackenstall. At half past ten, Lord Brackenstall went to bed. Lady Brackenstall at around 11 PM went to get a candle at the dining room and saw an elderly man and 2 others through the French window. She was tied up at the dining room. Lord Brackenstall arrived and fought with the men. The elder man struck Brackenstall with the poker.

The silver from sideboard are missing.

Profile of Lady Brackenstall:    Click on the character icon inside the circle.

Click on fresh bruise under eye.

Click on her right pale cheek.

Click on the Kangaroo and Emu golden brooch on her collar.

Click on her blouse. She wears elegant dress.

Click on her right hand with old bruises.

Click on her wedding ring - Wedding ring.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Interrogate Lady Brackenstall:    Talk to her again about her marriage.

Lady Brackenstall says that Lord Brackenstall has dark moods.

Press Q key. Ask about old bruises. Sir Eustace was out of control and is a drunkard.

Sir Eustace Brackenstall assaulted his wife one week ago.

Talk to Theresa Wright the maid:    Talk to the maid.

While at her bedroom window, she saw 3 men in moonlight outside by the gate.

Profile of Theresa: Click on the character icon.

Click on her eyes and see middle age wrinkles.

Click her working hands.

Click on handkerchief with vinegar.

Click on coffee stain on apron.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Inspect the room where Lady Brackenstall is resting.

Table:    Examine the table left of door.

Read the newspaper on the table. Read the article about the Randall gang's burglary.

There is an article about the Randall gang in the newspaper. It describes their recent break-in at an estate close to the Abbey Grange.

The description given by Lady Brackenstall is identical to the one in the newspaper.

The Randalls gang is well known in Abbey Grange, due to a recent burglary which was reported in the newspaper.

Writing desk:    Go to the back of the room and examine the writing desk.

Check the portrait of Lady Brackenstall and Theresa. It shows them at a port.

Turn the portrait. Move the fasteners and remove the backing board. Read the writing to learn that the photograph was taken in Adelaide in 1893 before boarding the "Rock of Gibraltar".

Lady Brackenstall arrived in England from Australia, and married Sir Eustace Brackenstall shortly thereafter.

Scratches :   Press the T key to see scratches under the picture right of the writing table.

Click on the picture. Use the mouse wheel to select the action to be done on the painting. Move the picture. See a safe.

Safe:    It is Sir Eustace's safe. Talk to Lady Brackenstall about the safe. She doesn't know the combination.

Open the safe:    The dial will vibrate when the correct number is place under the arrow at top.

Left click to validate the entry. A key is to rotate left. D key is to rotate right. Space bar skips the puzzle and ESC key exits.

Press D or A to get the red line under 15. Left click to validate. The handle turns.

Press D or A to get the red line under 5. Left click to validate. The handle turns.

Press D or A to get the red line under 17. Left click to validate. The handle turns.

Examine the contents of the safe:

Read the medical report. Sir Eustace is suffering from liver cirrhosis and pancreatitis.

Check the paper money and coins.

Inspect the crime scene in the dining room.

Exit the room and go to the dining room.

Dr. Watson:    Talk to Dr. Watson. Learn that Sir Eustace's death is instant and he was facing his attacker when he received the blow to the head.

Body:    Look close at the body by the fireplace.

The dead body of Sir Eustace Brackenstall, with a fractured skull.

Examine the head wound.

Examine the poker beside the head. Automatically pull back. A bent poker stained with blood.

Examine the stick-cane beside the body.

Examine the feet. Sir Eustace is barefoot.

Examine the fireplace grate. Sir Eustace might have hit his head on the fireplace grate.

Blood on the side of the fireplace grate. Automatically pull back.

Bell rope:    While standing in front of the fireplace; see the eye icon. Press T key.

Click on the shortened piece of rope of the bell rope hanging from ceiling left of the fireplace. The rope was cut by someone taller than Holmes.

The bell rope was torn or cut at a height of approximately 6'6�

Glasses on the table:    Examine the glasses on the dining room table.

Check the wine bottle and the decanter.

Examine all 3 glasses.

A glass with some wine and a large amount of beeswing.

Two glasses with traces of decanted wine, but without beeswing.

Chair:    Check the solitary chair at back of room.

Take the piece of rope used to tie Lady Brackenstall. It was handled by the criminal.

Holmes takes the rope so that Toby can follow the scent.

Knotted rope. The bell rope on the chair was tied with a sailor's knot.

Examine the chair.

Sideboard:    Go to the sideboard left of window.

Examine the candlestick. It is valuable but not taken.

Examine the expensive bottles of wine.

Examine the empty wine bottle slot-shelves.

Examine the empty silverware box. Automatically pull back.

An empty silverware box; the content was stolen.

Door:    Check the door left of the sideboard. The intruder did not go to the bedroom.

Collect Toby from Baker Street and follow the scent trail.

Collect Toby:    Use the map to travel to Baker Street.

Go to the window and take Toby, the best nose in the British Empire.

Use the map to go back to Abbey Grange. See Toby with Holmes.

Scent trail (as Toby):    See the smoky scent trail that Toby has to follow.

You can change characters by pressing the Q key and select the icon seen at top right.

Dining room:    Follow the smoky scent trail.

Go to the French doors. Call Sherlock. Automatically the French doors are opened.

Exit and go towards the fountain.

Shed:    Go around the fountain and take the path to the shed to catch the scent again.

Go to the shed and sniff. Holmes will note the shed.

Well :    Continue as Toby and follow the scent trail.

Go across the grassy area. Go to the fountain and then right to the well. Sniff to call Holmes.

Wall:    Continue to follow the scent around the well to the wall. Sniff to call Holmes.

Check the suspicious places found by Toby in the garden.

The intruder did a circuitous route before leaving.

Wall:    Automatically change to Sherlock. Examine the wall (hotspot is at Toby's eye level).

Shed:    Go to and enter the shed.

Take the hook under the window.

Examine the bags. Some of the seed bags were recently moved.

Examine the tool box and empty suitcase on the shelf. Automatically be outside.

Well:    Go back to the well. Examine the well.

Open the well. Look inside the well.

See a glittering object at the bottom of the well.

Retrieve and examine the glittering object from well.

Take the bucket hanging from the chain.

Examine the chain. Attach the hook taken from shed on the chain.

Use the windlass to drop the hook.

Package:    Open the package taken from well. See silverware.

Take a fork and rotate it. Click on the Brackenstall coat of arms.

The stolen silverware was found in the well.

Questions and reports:

Inspector Lestrade: Go back to the foyer and talk to Lestrade.

Talk to Lestrade about the medical report and the silverware.

Sir Eustace had a severe drinking problem. Once, he set Lady Brackenstall's dog on fire. Another time, he threw a decanter at Theresa.

Lady Brackenstall:    Go to the morning room.

Talk to her again about the 3 glasses on the table. She says the burglars drunk the wine.

Talk to Lady Brackenstall about the silverwares.

Theresa:    Talk to the maid about the medical report and the silverware. Learn that Lady Brackenstall does not have friends here.

Lady Brackenstall seldom went out after arriving in England. It was commonly known that she had no social life nor any close friends.


press the B key to start the deduction.

Randalls are guilty:

Randalls are well known + criminals identified = Randall Gang.

The testimonies and evidence match and point to the Randall gang.

Silverware found + criminals identified = Robbery is the motive.

Robbery is confirmed as the motive for the crime. The criminals may have plans to return for the silverware that they dumped.

Two glasses + Glass with beeswing = Three people.

There were three people drinking wine out of these glasses. One of the three probably prefers wine with beeswing.

Bent poker + dead body = Poker blow.

The death of Sir Eustace could have been from the poker blow.

Conclusion: Randalls are guilty.

Sir Eustace was murdered by the Randall gang. Robbery is confirmed as motive of the crime.

Moral choices are: Glory to Lestrade; Trump the police or Continue investigation.

Note - Choose one of the moral choices to see an ending for this conclusion.

Confirm moral choice.

After seeing what happened after this moral choice - click on "replay ending" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision.

Glory to Lestrade: Sir Eustace was murdered by the Randall gang. Robbery is confirmed as the motive of the crime and proved by the testimony of Lady Brackenstall. The case appeared to be too simple for you. You have decided to take the opportunity to give all of the credit to your friend, Lestrade.

Trump the police: Sir Eustace was murdered by the Randall gang. Robbery is confirmed as the motive of the crime and proved by the testimony of Lady Brackenstall. The speed with which you resolved this thorny problem is indicative of genius. You have decided to take all the glory for resolving this case.

Replay moral choice to see other endings.

After seeing the above conclusion's moral endings; go back to the deduction screen and change the choices to get another conclusion.

Click on an evidence and select the deduction of choice shown below.

Domestic accident:

Change some of the evidences from previous conclusion.

Randalls are well known + criminals identified = Randalls blamed.

The robbery was faked and the whole story invented in order to blame Sir Eustace's death on the Randalls.

Silverware found + criminals identified = Imitated robbery.

The robbery could have been imitated to explain Sir Eustace's death. The silverware was not supposed to be found.

Two glasses + Glass with beeswing = Two people.

There were two people drinking wine out of these glasses. The remaining glass with the beeswing consisted solely of the dregs from the other two glasses.

Fireplace grate + dead body = Deadly accident.

The death of Sir Eustace could have been due to his accidentally striking his head on a fireplace grate.

From Australia + No personal life = No acquaintance in London.

Lady Brackenstall married Sir Eustace shortly after arriving in England, and remained at home during that time. There is little possibility that she or her maid are acquainted with anyone in the country.

Violent behaviour + Inspector's tale = Domestic violence.

Sir Eustace was violent towards his wife.

Conclusion: Domestic accident.

The death of Sir Eustace was an accident caused by struggle with his wife. There was a mitigating circumstance - legitimate self defense.

Moral c hoices are:    Absolve Lady Brackenstall; Condemn Lady Brackenstall or Continue investigation.

Note - Choose one of the moral choices to see an ending for this conclusion.

Confirm moral choice.

After seeing what happened after this moral choice - click on "replay ending" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision.

Absolve Lady Brackenstall: The death of Sir Eustace was an accident caused by a struggle with his wife. The lie of Lady Brackenstall and her maid was compromised. There was a mitigating circumstance - legitimate self-defence. You will allow them to go free, without revealing the truth to Lestrade.

Condemn Lady Brackenstall: The death of Sir Eustace was an accident caused by a struggle with his wife. Lady Brackenstall and her maid killed Sir Eustace, and covered their crime in an effort to deceive the detectives. They deserve to be treated as criminals. You have decided to place them behind bars.

Replay moral choice to see other endings.

Murderous visitor:

Randalls are well known + criminals identified = Randalls blamed.

Silverware found + criminals identified = Imitated robbery.

Violent behaviour + Inspector's tale = Domestic violence.

Change the selection as below to get another deduction.

Two glasses + Glass with beeswing = Two people.

There were two people drinking wine out of these glasses. The remaining glass with the beeswing consisted solely of the dregs from the other two glasses.

Bent poker + dead body = Poker blow.

The death of Sir Eustace could have been due to a poker blow.

From Australia + No personal life = Acquainted with a sailor.

Lady is acquainted with someone from the Rock of Gibraltar.

Murderous visitor. Sir Eustace was murdered by the one person who was visiting that night. It was he who tied up Lady Brackenstall. He is tall and strong.

Examine the rope:

Go back to Baker Street.

Cut:    Go to Holmes' analysis table left of the window. Examine the rope.

Examine the end of the rope to see that it was smoothly cut.

Tool to do the cut:    Take the scissors. Cut the bell rope at loop at top right. The fibers from this cut appears to be different.

Take the cutters left of table. Cut the bell rope at loop at top right. The fibers from this cut appears to be different.

Take the knife from the round holder. Make a cut. It matches the original cut.

The bell rope was not torn, but cut with a knife as sharp as the type which sailors use.

Task - deduction:

Knotted rope + Sharp knife = Sailor background.

The rope was cut once with a sharp knife, and tied quickly in sailor's knots. That could indicate that the intruder had a sailor's background.

Acquainted with a sailor + sailor background + domestic violence = Look for sailor.

The person who was visiting that night was probably a sailor.

Search the archives for possible sailor suspects:

Find out the company that runs the Rock of Gibraltar: Look close at the newspaper right of the fireplace.

Use photograph. Cycle the year to 1893. Select Rock of Gibraltar arrival.

Read the newspaper article - The Strand about the Rock of Gibraltar's arrival and Miss Mary Fraser.

Lady Is acquainted with someone from the Rock of Gibraltar.

Secret police division of Baker Street:    Holmes wants to find the crew of the Rock of Gibraltar. He needs to talk to Wiggins and his crew.

Go to the window and call Wiggins. Wiggins is given the task of getting the ship's crew list and their present employment.

3 hours later, Wiggins returns with the register. He cannot return it since it is too risky.

Examine the register:     Open the register on the desk.

See the list of the Senior Officers of the Rock of Gibraltar on the left. At right are the list of the officers and their schedule (ship and time).

The murder occurred in November 7th, 1894.

Click on the name at right page list if similar names are seen on both papers. The left list will be crossed out on the left page list if that name is at sea during the murder.

Click on another page to see another list.

The captain of Bass Rock - Jack Crocker will depart on the 10th and is still London. He is the only one that is around the time of the murder.

Captain Crocker is the only sailor who was aboard the Rock of Gibraltar with Lady Brackenstall and her maid and who is currently in London.

Call Crocker to confront him.

Talk to Wiggins. Holmes asks Wiggins to bring Captain Crocker here.

Talk to Captain Crocker: Talk to Crocker about Lady Brackenstall. Because of erroneous newspaper report, Crocker came to find out what Holmes knew.

Profile of Captain Crocker:    Check Crocker's features.

Click on his eyes. Clear look - honest and courageous.

Click on his left shoulder. He has strong build.

Click on the sea knife on his belt.

Click on his right hand. It has newspaper ink.

Click on his right foot with clean boots.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Interrogate Crocker: Ask about tying Lady Brackenstall up.

Immediately press Q key and then select the topic that is most relevant to continue the investigation - rope with sailor's knots.

Crocker has an alibi.

Captain Crocker knows Lady Brackenstall, but he may be lying about his occupation on the night of the murder.


Captain Crocker was aboard the Sharp on the night of the murder. He was not afraid to confront me; he had a confident demeanour.

Captain crocker is the murderer:

Captain Crocker + Crocker statement = Crocker's Involvement.

Crocker is lying. His involvement is clear. He appeared as soon as he heard that I was looking for him, thus signalling his guilt.

Conclusion: The Captain is the killer.

Sir Eustace was murdered by one person who was visiting that night. There was mitigating circumstance - he was defending the lady. The murderer is tall and agile and most likely a high ranking sailor.

Moral choice: Choose Arrest or Absolve Captain Crocker. The choice is yours.

Arrest Captain Crocker: Sir Eustace was murdered by Captain Jack Crocker, who was visiting Lady Brackenstall that night. They staged it as a robbery by the Randall gang. Crocker used his sea knife to cut the bell rope to tie the lady, and then hid the silverware in the well. He committed a violent crime for which he deserves a condign punishment.

Absolve Captain Crocker: Sir Eustace was murdered by Captain Jack Crocker, who was visiting Lady Brackenstall that night. They staged it as a robbery by the Randall gang. Crocker used his sea knife to cut the bell rope to tie the lady, and then hid the silverware in the well. Jack Crocker defended a woman against a violent and dipsomaniacal man. You have decided to keep it a secret.

Confront Crocker with the conclusion:

Holmes asks Wiggins again to call Crocker.

Talk to Crocker. Both decisions - arrest or absolve result in Crocker pulling out a gun.

Prevent suicide:    You can stop the suicide by taking the gun away from him.

See a white and a red circle. Move the red circle inside the white circle.

The aim is to merge the circles together. Continuously tap the left mouse button.

As soon as the circles are merged; a "W" is seen on the screen. Immediately press and hold the W key and Holmes takes the gun away.

If you absolved Crocker, Watson and Holmes become judge and jury for Crocker's guilt. Holmes advises Crocker to come back after a year to meet his lady love. Homes tells Lestrade that 3 thugs (not the Randalls) are the murderers.

If you arrest Crocker, Crocker and the letter-confession he wrote are given to Lestrade.

Achievement obtained: Herrings, Captain! Save Crocker from committing suicide.


See the summary of the case.

Clues found:    16

Conclusion and moral choice done are shown.

Use the space bar to see if the clues are all found.

Selection for replay case and replay moral choice are seen.

Accept decision?

Note - Choose one of the moral choices to see an ending for this conclusion.

Confirm moral choice.

After seeing what happened after this moral choice - click on "replay ending" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision until you are sure. This will exit the game.

Achievement obtained: Vox populi, vox Dei. Finish Abbey Grange case.


The room is filled with bees. Watson swats at the bees. Holmes says that they can have honey the whole year round. Holmes needs to go to the Kew Gardens to investigate a plant theft.

Previous case - Abbey Grange Drama:

Open the casebook.

Chronicle:    If you finished the case, see the personality ranking. It depends on your moral choice. The conclusion and moral choice done are seen.

Trophy:    Silver fork with Coat of Arms.

Echoes - messages:    The messages seen here depend on the moral choices and conclusions selected that closed the previous cases.

Check to see if there is mail on the mantle of the fireplace.

If Captain Crocker is absolved, get a letter from Lady Brakenstall.

Dear Mr. Holmes, I have finally found the courage to write you a letter. I can scarcely find the words to express my gratitude for your kindness. On that terrible day, I believed my life to be ruined � but at the same time, I realised there to be one person in the world who truly loved me and who I loved in return. His name we both know � he is Captain Jack Crocker. His love has given me true reason to live. Even if we cannot be together in the end, none of this could have happened without you, Mr. Holmes. Yours sincerely, Mary Brackenstall.

If Lady Brackenstall is absolved, get a letter from Lady Brakenstall.
Dear Mr. Holmes, I have finally found the courage to write you a letter. I can scarcely find the words to express my gratitude for your kindness. On that terrible day, I believed my life to be ruined � but at the same time, I felt released. Released from the humiliation and the violence, from the constraints that were killing me. And soon I shall marry a man who loves me dearly, although his identity I wish to keep a secret. None of this could have happened without you, Mr. Holmes. Yours sincerely, Mary Brackenstall.

If Captain Crocker is condemned, get a letter from Inspector Lestrade.

Mr. Holmes, I am writing to inform you that the affair at the Abbey Grange, which took place almost half a year ago now, still resonates deeply in high society and remains a subject of much gossip. This case's romantic background has attracted many suitors who show willing to shelter and take pity on Lady Brackenstall. But to this date, she still serves her sentence with her maid Theresa, and has rejected all offers of help. To be truthful, I suspect that the true motivation of these suitors may well be related to Sir Eustace's title and money. What do you think, Mr. Holmes? Sincerely yours, Inspector Lestrade.

If Lady Brackenstall is condemned, read the newspaper.
A shocking affair at the Abbey Grange that took place on November 7th, 1894 is still a subject of interest and rumour. Yesterday, a man of wealth by the name of Sir Joseph Cook officially expressed his willing to assist in shortening the sentence of Lady Brackenstall and her maid, in exchange for the Lady's hand and heart. He does not seem perturbed by her background, and only takes pity on her circumstance. High society is greatly concerned regarding Sir Joseph's decision. In fact, even should the Lady accept, the marriage may not be permitted to go ahead.

Kew Gardens:

Jump to Kew Gardens in the map.

Martyn Hamish:    See Martyn, the Deputy Director of Kew Gardens berating Albert Dunne. Martyn orders Albert to accompany Sherlock where the stolen plants were displayed.

Albert Dunne:    Albert shows the "Plants from the East and the Land of the Rising Sun" empty display.

Learn that Albert's father Montague Dunne, the Director of Kew Garden suffered a heart attack and was found dead by the Colonial Collection 2 days ago.

Stolen plants:    Check the display left of the stands to get a list of stolen plants.

Exhibit:    Check the signs and empty stands of the stolen plants exhibit.

Waterlily garden:    Look around. Examine the tree that is close to the door at right if the stand is on your back. It came from Louisiana.

Examine the place where Montague Dunne's died:

Go to the opposite side of the pond by the open door. Look around.

Examine the blood and broken sign on the edge of the water lily pond.

Look down on the floor and examine the broken pot.

Press the T key to see more evidence:

Examine the dirt on the floor by the broken pot. Examine the dirt on the side of the shelf.

Check the broken pot on top shelf.

Check the floor to see footprints.

Examine the thin black tracks and the large black tracks. It looks like someone staggered here.

Examine the door of the Colonial Collection room.

While still in T key view:

Examine the damaged panel. The door was smashed at shoulder height.

Examine the handle. It was recently changed.

Examine the broken esconson at other side of the door frame. It was breached by the handle.

Visualize Montague Dunne's death:

Stand inside the Colonial Collection room close to the door. Press the F key to deduce what happened.

See 3 Dunne figures. Click on a figure and select-click again the number of that figure in the deduced sequence of events.

The Dunne figure inside the Colonial Collection room breaking the door is #1,

The figure by the plant shelves knocking over the pot is #2.

The figure by the pond falling on the fence is #3.

Press the Q key to see the sequence in motion. Murder or accident?

Montague Dunne was trapped in the Colonial Collection room. He forced the door, and died in the Waterlily Greenhouse.

Examine the Colonial Collection:

Enter the Colonial Collection room. Look around.

Note that half of the greenhouse is absent and extremely clean.

Examine the Colonial room parameter board by the door. There is a moisture and light control in the room.

Press the T key while on the empty part of the room.

Examine the detergent cleaned floor.

Examine the perfectly clean window panes.

Stone - Examine and take the stone chip below the windows. The stone chip is a result of a heavy blow.

Rotate the stone to see the break point of the stone. It is marble.

Examine the ventilation grid above Sherlock. Open and close the ventilation cover.

Check the plant displays at other side of the room.

Someone cleaned and emptied out only a part of the Colonial Collection. This is suspicious � perhaps it was intended to conceal certain evidence

Task - deduction:

Press the B key.

Emptied colonial collection + Dunne was trapped = Perform autopsy.

Perform autopsy on Montague Dunne:

Jump to Scotland Yard. Holmes asked Lestrade to bring Dunne's body here.

Talk to the policeman on duty. Lestrade is not at Scotland Yard at the moment.

Evidence room:    Go to the hallway at left. Enter the first door at right.

Examine Dunne's belongings. Check the expensive watch and pen. Read the calling card. Dunne is a member of the London Crest Club.

Read the letter to Mr. Wayne showing that Dunne wants the exhibition poster to have his name only.

Go to the adjacent room. Go downstairs to the morgue.

Examine the body:

Examine the face. Examine the forehead.

Check the eyes and nose and mouth. He smells of flowers.

Examine the chest, skin of right arm-hand and skin of left arm-hand.

Autopsy:    Dr. Watson performs the autopsy.

Examine the heart. Check the heart vessels. Rotate and examine the heart tissue. No signs of pathology.

Examine the lungs. Check the lung consistency. The lungs are congested and edematous. Rotate the lungs to see the damaged place at bottom right. There are damaged tissue and spores of unknown pant.

Examine the stomach. Check the stomach tissue. Rotate the stomach and examine the stomach consistency.

Examine the liver. Check the liver consistency. The liver is enlarged maybe due to alcohol. Rotate the liver to examine the liver tissue.

Montague Dunne died from plant poisoning. It is murder.

Montague Dunne inhaled a virulent vegetal poison that was intended to kill him.

The challenge is mine. It is time now to open the doors.

Gather information on Montague Dunne:

Go back to Kew Gardens.

Map of Kew Gardens:    Go to the map information stand close to the first building beside Martyn-gate. Click on each location to familiarize yourself.

Director's office's key:    See that the first building at top left of the map is the director's office. Check the door and see that it is locked.

Martyn Hamish:    Talk to Martyn.

Martyn doesn't know why the Colonial Collection room is half empty. Martyn does not have good relations with Dunne.

Learn that Montague Dunne is a member of the smart set and had an eye for the ladies.

Learn that Albert has the locked greenhouses keys.

Martyn Hamish hated Montague Dunne � a man who he believed did little work but received all the praise for the success of Kew Gardens.

Profile of Martyn Hamish:

Check the myopic, inexpensive glasses.

Check the dirty shirt collar.

Check the gardener's hands.

Check the other hand and see that he is not married.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Albert Dunne:    Enter the greenhouse through door at right.

Talk to Albert Dunne.

Miss White should be here today and will be at the Seed House.

Albert works here part time. He studies Botany at the university. It is not good at it but can be a good manager.

Albert doesn't know why the Colonial Collection room is half empty.

Albert doesn't have good relations with his father and he forced Albert to work here. Now, Albert changed his mind and is willing to work here.

After the death of his father, Albert now feels a responsibility to manage Kew Gardens.

Learn that Martyn was never Deputy Director and he hated Dunne. Get the locked door keys except for the cloakroom.

Profile of Albert Dunne:

Check the red eyes due to tears.

Check the bandaged chin due to shaving cut.

Click on very clean hand.

Read character portrait in the casebook

Go to the wood rack left of door. Check Albert's housekeeping tasks ordered by Martyn. Hmm...

Exit the greenhouse using the opposite door.

Inspect Dunne's Office:

Use the key on the green door of the left building. Look around.

Director's safe:    Open the safe by right wall.

Look close at dial. See buttons. The aim of the puzzle is to raise all the buttons by turning left or right in specific numbers.

Starting with the arrow at top blank space:

Turn left to raise 2 buttons.

Turn right to raise 2 buttons.

Turn left to raise 3 buttons.

Turn right to raise 3 buttons.

Turn left to raise 5 buttons.

Turn right to raise 5 buttons. The safe is opened.

Letters:     Read the personal loan letter on bottom shelf. Learn about the debt of Miss White to Dunne. Dunne paid for her apartment, schooling and clothes and jewelry.

Read the letter of complaint of the Divine Syndicate at middle shelf. Dunne has taken some of their sisters (plants) for display at Kew Gardens. A  case of June 14 1889 is also mentioned.

Read the Lawyer's help letter at top shelf. It is a message to the lawyer to answer the Divine Syndicate's complaints and mentions the case of June 14 1889.

Look around:    Examine the photo on the cabinet. It is a photo of Martyn's father Reynold and Montague Dunne.

Director's desk:    Look close at Director's desk. Examine the newspapers. It mentions Kew Garden's success in producing a new variety of barley. A conference is to be given by Martyn.

Read the break up letter on the desk. Dunne fired Margaret White from Kew Gardens.

Montague Dunne wanted to fire Miss White.

Check the French champagne and wine on the table by window. Exit the room.

 Inspect the lab:

Laboratory:    Enter the right green door. Look around. Examine the experiment table at right.

Phonograph:    Examine the phonograph at left table.

Take a cylinder at left and click it on the phonograph. Turn the handle at right side of the machine.

Use cylinder 821 is a study reported by Martyn Hamish. Cylinder 245 is a study reported by Miss White.

Cupboard:    Examine the Chemistry cupboard. See many chemicals.

University book:    Check the university book on the fireplace mantle. Turn the book. See that it is Albert Dunne's book on his repeat year at University of Cambridge.

Lab table:    Go to the 2 desks at center of room.

While standing in front of the desk close to fireplace, press the T key.

Look close at the wet bottle base trace on the desk. Examine the drops just below that circle. Examine the drops on the floor. Someone carried the bottle.

Examine the gold dust right of the microscope. Gold is not affected by a lot of chemicals and might be good in experiments.

Sherlock says there is a smell and needs a good nose.

Protective equipment:    Examine the cabinet by the window. See that there are 2 protective equipment. Click on the middle empty space - one suit is missing.

Examine the mask and protective cloth

 Inspect the cloakroom:

Go to the door at right. It is locked. Albert didn't give them the keys to the cloakroom. It doesn't matter.

Unlock the door:    Review the lock puzzle guide at top of walkthrough page.

See a cylinder with 2 slide in-notched rings on top of the main tube. The slide in rings also have holes on them. The main layer is colored green.

There are lines on each slide in-notched rings and the main center layer.

The scroll wheel switches to select the layer or tube.

Left click-turn rotates selected tube layer.

Right click-turn rotates all the layers of the cylinder.

The aim of the puzzle is to connect all the lines of the different tube layers.

- Rotate all (right click-turn) to see where the lines are located.

- Align the small yellow piece on the hole of the left notched ring.

- Move-turn the right notched ring to align to the lines and fit the left notched ring.

- Change to inner green layer. Turn to fit lines.

- Change to silver layer under the green one and match the lines.

- Rotate all the rings-tubes to check the lines.

If done correctly, the lines will light up. Open.

Martyn Hamish' locker:    Open and search Martyn's locker.

Check the organic chemistry book and botanical magazine at left. Martyn wrote some of the articles and studied chemistry.

Take and read the letter from Martyn's ambitions to be the Director.

Martyn Hamish is eager to become the new Director of Kew Gardens. He believes he is deserving of the role, and is hopeful of assuming the reputation his father once held there.

Examine the photo of a young Martyn and his father. Click on the inscription at the back of the photograph.

Albert Dunne's locker:     Open and search Albert's locker.

See a miniature ship. Examine the naval architecture books.

Take and read the refusal letter from the Royal Naval College and learn that his father blocked his admission.

Press the T key and examine the photo between the books at left. It shows a young woman (Miss White) and Albert in front of the University.

Miss White's locker:    Open the locker right of door.

Read the letter to her family that is at left cubicle. Miss White asked her parents for money.

Examine the Master in Chemistry diploma.

Open the jewelry box at right. See expensive jewelry.

The money that Montague Dunne regularly gave to Miss White far exceeded the needs of a student.

Examine the handbag. Rotate the handbag to take and read the family's reply letter. Her parents are upset at Margaret.

Miss White's family refused to assist her financially with her studies. They disliked Montague Dunne, believing him to be a libertine. Albert Dunne had promised to continue his family's support.

Read the Albert's letter to Miss White right of the jewelry box. Albert is willing to help Miss White financially.

Inspect the Nursery:

Go to the next building through the door at left.

Enter the Nursery building. Look around at the seedlings.

Martyn's desk:    Examine the open glass cabinet by the windows. See poster and certificate on the side. They are of Martyn's exhibit and winning a competition.

Examine Martyn's desk. See the empty glass case, Martyn's book and thesis he wrote.

Window:    Examine the handle of the window above Martyn's desk.

See the Colonial Collection room across the path. Examine the ventilation vent above the desk.

Go to the other cabinet at left end and see certificate and Masters Degree of Martyn.

Hallway:    Go to left end and go through the door. Be at the hallway that is at middle of building.

Statue:    Examine the trash bin at the corner. See a bust.

Examine the name plate at the base to see that it is a bust of Montague Dunne.

Rotate the bust. See the broken part on the hair part of the bust.

Fit the marble piece from the Colonial room on the broken part. Here it is!

Go through the other door and exit the building.

Meet Miss White:

Miss White:Go through the door and be at the Seed House, the last building.

Talk to Margaret White. Learn that she has never been to the Colonial Collection room. She says Dunne is her spiritual father.

Albert gave her a set of keys to the gardens. It is only temporary.

Profile of Miss White:

Check her neck. She wears expensive perfume.

Check the hand and see pink tracks that show old malnutrition - pellagra.

Check her fingers. She is unmarried.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Inspect the Seed House:

Albert Dunne's desk:    Go to the desk by the window. Use the handle of the window and see that the Colonial Collection room is not in view.

Examine the desk. Examine the Navigation book.

See the study book with a low grade. The good quality gloves are new and never used.

There is a ventilation shaft above the desk.

Exit through the back door of the building.

Inspect the back area of Kew Gardens:

Water tank and Ventilation Engine:    Go back to the area behind the Seed House.

Enter the enclosure. Examine the water tank and the ventilation engine.

Exit. You can orient yourself by checking the map on the stand by the walkway.

Trash burning:    There is something burning. Go to the far corner of the garden. See trash being burned. Look close.

Examine piece of plant, door handle from Colonial room, burned broom, picture frame and gas mask.

Rotate the gas mask to see inside and note the singed mark.

Press the T key to see the broken pot under the burned beam. Rotate the broken pot to see the label at the base of the pot. It is the symbol of the Divine Syndicate.

Inspect the Dry Tropics area of the greenhouse:

Enter the greenhouse through door by the burning trash. Look around the storage area.

Enter the Dry Tropics area.

Examine the pot on the trolley. Check the base of the pot to see that it has an S symbol, it is not Kew Garden's.

Look around Dry Tropics.

Other areas:    Go through and look around Water Garden area and then the Palm House.

Fetch Toby to track the mysterious substance from lab:

Use the map to go Baker Street.

See Watson on the telescope watching the new neighbor. LOL.

Take and then talk to Toby. Go to Kew Gardens.

At the lab, Holmes told Toby to search. Get Toby to follow the scent-smoky trail.

Toby finds the secret place behind the bushes in front of the greenhouse. Sniff and Toby digs the soil.

Take the hidden bottle - chemical solution. There is still some chemical left and a small caterpillar in the bottle.

Bring Toby back to Baker Street. He needs his rest after a good job.

Check the archives:

Encyclopedias:     Archive right of Holmes' bedroom.

Search Rare Plants, Botany:     Use stolen plant list. Scroll to Botany. Select Exotic Plants Vol.4 Poisonous.

Learn that 3 of the stolen plants are harmful to humans under specific conditions. Florem diabolica reacts to aggression and releases deadly spores. Press E key to enter the information.

Left archive: Go to the bookcase left of the fireplace - Research.

Search for the symbol of the broken p lant pot:    Use broken plant pot. Scroll to Marks and Symbols.

Select The Divine Syndicate. Learn that the symbol is that of the Divine Scholastic Syndicate. The members of the Syndicate worship Trewan, the god-king.

Press E key to enter the information.

S Symbol:   Use symbol of the exhibition pot. Scroll to Marks and Symbols. Select London Garden Supplies.

Learn that the S symbol is from a commercial garden supplier - Seymour's Garden.

Right archive:    Go to the bookcase right of fireplace - Newspapers.

Divine Syndicate:    Use Divine Syndicate. Scroll to 1889. Select Scandal at Divine Syndicate Club.

Learn that the leaders of this organization is being investigated for corruption. The organization has highly placed friends.

Holmes found the address of the Divine Syndicate.

Check the hidden bottle found by Toby:

Analyze unknown liquid:    Go to Sherlock's lab table. Analyze unknown liquid.

Examine the unknown liquid in the bottle.

Take the pipette at right. Use the pipette on bottle. Click the filled pipette on test tubes in rack. Automatically fill both test tube.

Physical test:

Take a filled test tube:

- Examine it - colorless water based liquid.

- Inhale it - strong floral aroma.

- Taste it - (ugh) bitter taste. It is an organic compound.

Heat the test tube. Activate the burner. Take test tube with particles.

Chemical test:     Watson gives the Wagner's reagent.

Use the pipette on Wagner's reagent and add it to the test tube with liquid.

Examine the unknown liquid with Wagner's reagent. It has red sediments.

It is an alkaloid and needs gold dust to make it stable; most probably a fertilizer.

Get Deadly plant information in documents. See the 3 plants that are lethal to humans. The deadly plants need the special fertilizer, natural stimulation and nutrition. Use caterpillars as stimulation.

Some of the plants that were stolen from the exhibition can prove fatal to humans.

Find out what The Divine Syndicate is concealing:

Jump to the Divine Syndicate.

Green Grand Mystic:    Talk to the Guru - Green Grand Mystic doing his Tai Chi exercise in the sand.

To show the Green Grand Mystic that Sherlock is ready, press the Q key and select Trewan, the God King.

Green Grand Mystic gives the key to the temple.

The Green Grand Mystic urges Sherlock to take some fertilizer - raw sap that is by the entrance.

The presence of pots at Kew Gardens are just coincidence. They would not hesitate to scavenge their refuse.

Examine the Green Grand Mystic:

Check the neck and see dragon tattoo.

Check the hand to see fingertip calluses.

Check the left hand and see chemical practices.

Read the Guru's portrait in documents.

Garden: Look around in the garden. Go down the steps and go left. Then right under the tree trunks to look around the beautiful garden.

Continue around the path and see the large bell.

Pots:    Go to the bench near the steps to the entrance of the temple.

Press T key and look close at the 2 broken pots on the ground at left side of the porch. Then check the covered pots behind the bench.

Check the label at base of the pot to see that they are from Kew Gardens.

Temple:    Use the key given by the Green Grand Mystic on temple door.

Look around. Examine the poster on right wall to see the list of benefactors.

Drugs table:    Go to the other side of the room and examine the drug table under the windows framed by ivies.

Take a spoon of the raw sap. It is excellent quality of cocaine.

Try to talk to the adept in front of the statue of Trewan.

Examine Trewan.

Find caterpillars and alkaloid:

Plant room:    Enter the room right of the drug table.

Caterpillars:    Examine the cage with caterpillars across from door. Open both doors of the cage. Sherlock takes the caterpillars raised as food for certain plants.

Other cages:    Open and examine the plants in the other cages. Close the door of the cages.

Open the flower cage at far end of room. Take the 3 deadly plants: Dionea Carnivorus, Florem Diabolica and Carlina Inebriare from the cages.

Den and lab:    Go to the other side of the main temple. Enter the door right of the adept.

Unlock the door: Review the lock puzzle guide at top of walkthrough page.

The top tube is made up of 3 rings. There is a stationary notched ring at center of the tube and 2 notched rings both ends.

The left ring is notched at one end only. Move the left notched ring off the middle stationary one.

Match the left notched ring to the lines middle stationary one.

The right ring is also notched at one end. Move the right notched ring off the middle one.

Match the right notched ring to the lines of the middle one.

Match the lines of the joined notched rings to the gray top tube under it. Then match the lines of the silver one under the other rings.

Enter the den. Look around see a plate for smoking opium.

Go to the lab. Examine the Chemistry cupboard. Take the bottle of alkaloid.

Check the lab table for experiments and opium balls across the table. Exit the temple.

It appears that the deadly plants, the alkaloid and the caterpillars are somehow connected.

Find the stolen plants of the last exhibition at Kew Gardens:

Green Grand Mystic:    Go back and talk to the Green Grand Mystic again.

Ask about Kew Gardens. Press Q key and select the appropriate clue - Kew Gardens symbol.

5 days ago, they stole the plants at Kew Gardens. Dunne borrowed from them for his exhibition and didn't return them. They did not find the 3 that were taken from them. So they took the other plants in the exhibit.

The Green Grand Mystic told us that when they stole the plants from Kew Gardens, they were unable to locate three.

Three days before Montague Dunne died, �The Divine Syndicate� stole all of the plants from the Kew Gardens exhibition, claiming that a number of these belonged to them.


Open the deduction screen.

Deadly Syndicate are the killers:

Poisoning + Deadly plants stolen = Theft and murder.

The killers may be those who stole the exotic plants (including the deadly species) from the last exhibition at Kew Gardens.

Divine Syndicate thieves + Deadly plants stolen = Sect stole everything.

The Divine Syndicate stole all plants from exhibition. They could have used it in order to murder Mr. Montague Dunne.

Conclusion: The Divine Syndicate killed Dunne.

The Divine Syndicate planned the death of Montague Dunne. They had been involved in a dispute with Dunne over the stolen plants.

Moral choice:    Bait the Green Grand Mystic, shelter the Green Grand Mystic or continue investigation.

Bait the Green Grand Mystic:    Sherlock and Watson trick the Green Grand Mystic to going to Scotland Yard to retrieve his plants.

Lure the Green Grand Mystic to Scotland Yard. That is the only way to deal with a dangerous criminal who organised the exotic plants theft and murdered Montague Dunne in cold-blooded revenge.

The Divine Syndicate planned the death of Montague Dunne. They had been involved in a dispute with Dunne over the stolen plants. They stole the deadly plants after the murder to cover their crime. With the help of our bait, the police at Scotland Yard will arrest the Green Grand Mystic and his sect

Shelter the Green Grand Mystic:    Sherlock and Watson try to trick the Green Grand Mystic to going to a hospital. Since the Green Grand Mystic refuses to go (and has hands that shows he's a martial arts expert) and he has influential friends; they talk it over. Watson will write a recommendation and Holmes will help with his reputation.

Shelter the Green Grand Mystic in an asylum, without notifying Scotland Yard. His opium addiction has affected his sanity, and he needs to be treated accordingly."

The Divine Syndicate planned the death of Montague Dunne. They had been involved in a dispute with Dunne over the stolen plants. They stole the deadly plants after the murder to cover their crime. The Green Grand Mystic's opium addiction has affected his sanity, and he needs to be treated accordingly.

Replay moral choice to see other endings.

Task - deduction:

Click the B key.

 Poisoning + suspicious ingredient = Set up the experiment.

Set up the alkaloid from a chemical laboratory and the caterpillars and perform the experiment with the deadly plants.

Find the plant that was used to kill Montague Dunne:

Go back to Baker Street. Watson does his Tai Chi exercise after seeing the Guru. :D

Experiment with the deadly plants:

Holmes advises Watson to wear a mask.

Use alkaloid on all 3 plants. Take the alkaloid and pour it to all 3 plants.

Carlina inebriae, the thorny plant becomes inactive.

Dionaea carnivorus becomes inactive.

Florem diabolica, the spore plant opens up.

Use the caterpillar on all 3 plants: Take the caterpillar and place them on the plants.

Carlina inebriae shows defensive mechanism. Dionaea carnivorus grabs the caterpillar on the thorny plant. The thorny plant shoots its thorns.

Dionaea carnivorus eats the caterpillar.

Florem diabolica closes when the thorny plant grabs the caterpillar that is on it. It also releases a small puff of smoke.

Find the Florem diabolica's secret:

Swap the plants so that the Carlina inebriae the thorny plant is at the center and the Dionaea carnivorus and Florem diabolica are at sides.

Use alkaloid on Florem diabolica the sporeplant to open it.

Use caterpillar on Carlina inebriae the thorny plant that should be in the middle.

Dionaea carnivorus tries to take the caterpillar on thorny plant. The thorny plant becomes defensive; stimulating the Sporeplant to release toxic gas and spores.

It was a complex process to prepare the deadly plants. The plant combination had to be placed close by the victim and triggered at the precise moment.

Talk to the employees:

Go back to Kew Gardens. Talk to the 3 employees.

Martyn Hamish:

Talk to Martyn who is still watering the plants.

Interrogate Martyn again. Learn more about Albert and Miss White.

Albert was humiliated by his father in a presentation. Miss White has great talent for botany but is naive about Montague Dunne.

Ask about connection to Kew Gardens. Press Q key and select Martyn's photograph with father. Learn about his father who expanded Kew Gardens but Dunne took the credit.

He has never heard about the Divine Syndicate.

Ask about the bust. Press the Q key and select fragment from statue. The statue was in the Colonial Collection room before.

About his activity, learn that at 9:30 AM the day of the incident, Dunne and Martyn talked to Albert.

Martyn was at the nursery until 10:30 when he saw Dunne was not okay.

Margaret White:

Go to the Seed House. Go through the walkway door between the greenhouse and the work buildings at left. The Seed house is the last building on the left.

Talk to Miss White. She doesn't know about the Divine Syndicate.

She saw Montague Dunne at around 9:10. Dunne then went to talk with Martyn.

She was at the lab until 10:40 AM recording her thesis.

She had a chat with Martyn at 10 AM. She recorded her thesis on cylinder 320.

Check recording 320:    Go to the lab and take phonograph recording 320 from the open cabinet right of fireplace.

Use it it on the phonograph to verify that Miss White was here recording as she mentioned.

Albert Dunne:

Go to the greenhouse and talk to Albert.

Learn that he was at the Seed House that morning.

At 9:40, Martyn and Dunne went to the backyard.

At 9:50, Dunne went to the Dry Tropics room while Martyn came back to Albert.

At 10:10 Martyn came back from Mary.

Later Martyn told him his father was not feeling well.

He doesn't know about the Divine Syndicate.

Ask about Navy. Press the Q key and select Albert's hopes.

Montague Dunne thwarted his son's dream of joining the Royal Navy. Albert was humiliated by his father on many occasions, most recently the last exhibition at Kew Gardens.


Open the deduction screen.

Albert Dunne is the killer:

The Divine Syndicate and others should be innocent. Change some of the previous deductions.

Divine Syndicate thieves + Deadly plants stolen = Partial Theft.

The Divine Syndicate stole all but the deadly plants from the exhibition.

Poisoning + Deadly plants stolen = Theft and murder.

Those who stole the exotic plants from the last exhibition of Kew Gardens maybe the killers.

Missing deadly plants + Deadly precision = Sect is not involved.

Someone stole the deadly plants before The Divine Syndicate were able to.

Deadly precision + White's studies = White's lack of experience

The knowledge Miss White acquired at the university might not be enough to guarantee the correct reaction of the deadly plants.

Albert's humiliation + Albert's ambition = Albert's motive.

Albert had a motive to kill his father, Montague Dunne. Dunne had thwarted Albert's dream of joining the Royal Navy. By killing his father, Albert could have his revenge and eventually succeed in his father's place as the director of Kew Gardens

Deadly precision + Albert's ambition = Albert studies.

Albert has biological knowledge to stimulate the deadly plants.

Sect is not involved + Albert's motive + Albert's studies = Albert killed M. Dunne.

Conclusion: Albert Dunne killed Montague Dunn.

Albert killed his own father, Montague Dunne. Dunne had humiliated his son repeatedly, obstructing his dreams and breaking his spirit.

Moral choice:    Condemn Albert Dunne, absolve Albert Dunne live or continue investigation.

Condemn Albert Dunne:   Albert is in interrogation room and arrested by Lestrade.

Albert Dunne killed his own father. Citing years of humiliation, and a deep frustration at his father's dissuading him from joining the Navy, you conclude that Albert is a cold-blooded murderer who should be placed behind bars.

Absolve Albert Dunne:    At Baker Street, Holmes and Watson decide to let Albert free because of his humiliation. Officially Montague Dunne died of a heart attack.

Albert Dunne was humiliated by his father, who crushed any dreams he had of entering the Navy. The murder was a desperate act intended to free Albert from the tyranny. Now he can go free, but he must live with his conscience

Replay moral choice to see other endings.

Miss Margaret White is the murderer:

The Divine Syndicate and others should be innocent. Change some of the previous deductions.

Divine Syndicate thieves + Deadly plants stolen = Partial theft.

The Divine Syndicate stole all but the deadly plants from the exhibition

Missing deadly plants + Deadly precision = Sect is not involved.

Someone stole the deadly plants before The Divine Syndicate were able to.

Deadly precision + Albert's ambition = Albert lack of experience.

Albert is not very good at botany. It is doubtful that he could have learned how the plants might release their deadly spores

White's studies + Deadly precision = White's knowledge.

White has biological knowledge to stimulate the deadly plants.

White's expulsion + White and Dunne = White and Dunne's disagreement.

Miss White and Mr. Dunne had a recent disagreement. Montague Dunne was planning to release Miss White from her position at Kew Gardens

White and Dunne + Miss White's family = White's situation.

Margaret White's studies and social situation were completely dependent upon Montague Dunne's wealth.

Sect is not involved + Disagreement + White's situation + White's knowledge = White killed Dunne.

Conclusion: Margaret White killed Dunne.

Margaret White killed Montague Dunne. Her professional ambition and personal situation had been damaged by the break-up with Dunne.

Moral choice:    Arrest Miss White, be treated by a doctor or decide later.

Condemn Miss White:   Miss White denies killing Dunn in the Interrogation room.

Miss White is a dangerous woman, very capable of carrying out an elaborate murder.
When she realised that she was unable to make any further monetary gain from Montague Dunne, she advanced her affections to Albert, his son. The judge will take little pity on her

Absolve Miss White:    Holmes decides to let Miss White go and states that Dunn died of a heart attack.

Miss White is a desperate woman, a victim of society. When Dunne cast her aside, her life stopped; she killed him in pure desperation. She will escape the rope, but her future is bleak.

Replay moral choice to see other endings.

Stimulate the deadly plants in the Colonial collection:

Everyone has gone home. Automatically be at the Colonial Collection room.

Visualize Montague Dunne's poisoning:

Stand inside the Colonial Collection room. Press the F key to deduce what happened.

See 3 Dunne figures. Activate a figure and select the number of that figure in the deduced sequence of events.

Press the space bar, if you need to change the sequence.

The Dunne figure inhaling the spore and toppling the bust is #1.

The figure escaping the room is #2.

Press the Q key to see the sequence in motion.

Caterpillars:    Go to ventilation grid at the empty area of the room. Open the ventilation cover.

Place the caterpillar inside the ventilation. The cover is automatically closed.

Start the ventilation stimulation experiment:    Press the T key and see the ventilation system glowing.

Go to the garden area behind the Seed House. Go left from Colonial Collection room, through Dry Tropics and to the backyard.

Go to the ventilation engine left of the water tower.

Start the ventilation engine.

Turn the transmission dial at right to up position or off.

Press the left power button.

Press the yellow starter button to get the engine started.

Turn the transmission dial to down position or on. Ventilation system is working.

Press the T key again and follow the glowing ventilation shaft.

Stimulate the deadly plants by dropping the caterpillars:

Albert's desk:    Go to the Seed House. Open the window above Albert's desk. The Colonial room cannot be seen from here.

Turn right to the control lever on the wall. Activate the fan above the desk.

Martyn's desk:    Go to Nursery building. Open the handle of the window above Martyn's desk. From this window the Colonial room is seen.

Turn left to the control lever on the wall. Activate the fan above the desk.

Automatically be at the Colonial room. See that the vent is open and the caterpillars have been dropped on poor Watson.

Albert and Martyn's vents are both needed to be activated to get the ventilation vent to open.

Only Martyn's window has a view of the Colonial room.

The plant stimulation caused by the caterpillar fall could be performed only from Martyn's workplace: the one location where it would be possible to see Montague Dunne in the Colonial Collection room.

Find Montague Dunne's killer:

Martyn Hamisch is the killer:

Change some of the previous deductions. Miss White, Albert and the Divine Syndicate should not be the killers.

Deadly precision + Albert's ambition = Albert lack of experience.

Deadly precision + White's studies = White's lack of experience

Missing deadly plants + Deadly precision = Sect is not involved.

Someone stole the deadly plants before The Divine Syndicate were able to.

Poisoning + Deadly plants stolen = Theft and murder.

Those who stole the exotic plants from the last exhibition of Kew Gardens maybe the killers.

Poisoning + Dunne was trapped = Mr. Dunne was poisoned.

A fter being trapped in the Colonial Collection room by the killer, Dunne was poisoned by inhaling a violent vegetal poison.

Ventilation used + Deadly precision = Martyn Hamish opportunity.

Martyn Hamish had the opportunity to stimulate the deadly plants in the Colonial Collection room. As a biologist, he would have understood the technicality of how to do this.

The new director + Martyn's anger = Martyn's motive.

Martyn Hamish had a motive: he believed that he and his father's lives had been ruined by Dunne, who had taken the credit for all of their work. Hamish wished to take over the directorship of Kew Gardens, but he knew that would not be possible with Dunne still alive.

Sect is not involved + Martyn's motive + Martin Hamish's opportunity + Mr. Dunne was poisoned = Hamish is guilty.

Martyn had the opportunity to steal the plants of the Divine Syndicate and cause flowering from his work place the day Dunne was inspecting. When Dunne entered the Colonial Collection room, Martyn locked the room.

Conclusion: Martyn Hamish is guilty.

Martyn Hamish could be the killer. He had the opportunity to steal The Divine Syndicate's plants and stimulate them from his workplace, directly after he had locked Montague Dunne inside the Colonial Collection room.

Task:    Effect the arrest of Martyn Hamish.

Contact Lestrade in order to get Martyn arrested:

Go to Scotland Yard. Talk to the policeman.

Got to Lestrade's office and tell him about Martyn.

Join Lestrade at Kew Gardens:

Holmes and Watson arrive at Kew Gardens to be met by Lestrade. No need to hurry.

Enter the greenhouse. See Martyn hanging at the Palm room.

Examine Martyn Hamish's body:

Sherlock asks that Martyn's body be brought down to be examined.

Examine the neck. See the mark of strangulation.

Take and read Martyn's regret letter.

Martyn Hamish admitted to murdering Montague Dunne in his suicide note.

Examine Martyn's feet. The left shoe is unique. It is indicative of club foot.

The worn-down double heel of his left shoe reveals that Martyn Hamish suffered from a club foot and tibial torsion.


Hamish's confession + club foot = Hamish acted alone?

Martyn Hamish was unable to run due to the tibial torsion on his club foot. Therefore we should find out if he had sufficient time to lock the door of the Colonial Collection room and activate the ventilation system. Did he have an accomplice?

Talk to Lestrade:    Discuss with Lestrade the possible impact of new clues found on the body of Martyn Hamish.

Make a time line of the events on the day of the crime:

Start the timeline:    Click-hold-drop the pictures at the right time-column. Place the picture based on who reported it clued by the color of the frame and nail.

Press S key to see the map. See the map and the characters.

While at the map, press the W key to play the events based on the timeline placement.

At 10:20, the Colonial Collection room was locked.

Martyn Hamish might not have had enough time to do it all by himself. It would have been difficult to stimulate the deadly spores and lock the door in just 10 minutes without being observed.

Albert was alone in the Seed House after Montague Dunne had entered the Large Glasshouse. Since Dunne showed signs of poisoning at 10:20, Albert had approximately 10 minutes to act without being observed.

Miss White stayed alone in the laboratory after speaking with Martyn. Since Montague Dunne showed signs of poisoning at 10:20, White had approximately 20 minutes to act without being observed.

Open the deduction screen.

There is no accomplice:

Hamish's timeline + Albert's timeline = Albert is not involved.

Martyn Hamish and Albert are not accomplices. It is unlikely that Albert would have had the opportunity, and ten minutes would have not been enough to lock the door of the Colonial Collection room.

Hamish's timeline + White's timeline = White is not involved.

Martyn Hamish and Miss White are not accomplices. It is unlikely that White would have had the opportunity, and twenty minutes would have not been enough to lock the door of the Colonial Collection room.

Albert is not involved + White is not involved + Hamish is guilty = Hamish did it alone.

Conclusion: Hamish did it alone.

Martyn Hamish committed the murder alone. He loathed Montague Dunne because of his treatment of Hamish's father. Hamish had enough time to lock Dunne in and activate the ventilation fan from his work place.

Moral choice : Let the police dismiss the case, announce that you have brilliantly solved the case or decide later.

Glory to Lestrade: Holmes talks to Lestrade and regrets pushing a man to suicide. Holmes thanks Lestrade for his discretion.

Martyn Hamish committed the murder alone. He loathed Montague Dunne because of his treatment of Hamish's father. Hamish had enough time to lock Dunne in and activate the ventilation fan from his work place. He took his revenge � but at the cost of his own life. Scotland Yard will wrap up this case and will receive all the glory.

Trump the police: Holmes talks to Lestrade and is proud that he solved the case. Holmes thanks Lestrade for his discretion.

Martyn Hamish committed the murder alone. He loathed Montague Dunne because of his treatment of Hamish's father. Hamish had enough time to lock Dunne in and activate the ventilation fan from his work place. He got what he deserved. You will announce that you have solved the case quite brilliantly, without the aid of Scotland Yard.

Replay moral choice.

Albert is the accomplice:

Miss White is not an accomplice.

Martyn's timeline + Albert's timeline = Albert had time.

Albert was Martyn Hamish's accomplice. Ten minutes would have been enough for him to follow Montague Dunne and lock the door, in order that Martyn might activate the ventilation system.

Conclusion:     Albert is an accomplice.

Albert was Martyn Hamish's accomplice in killing Montague Dunne. Humiliated repeatedly by his father and denied his dreams, Albert resolved to aid and abet the murderer.

Moral decision :    Condemn Albert Dunne, Absolve Albert Dunne or Continue investigation.

Endings:    Replay moral choice to see other endings.

Condemn Albert Dunne:    Lestrade arrests Albert at the interrogation room. Albert denies the crime and says he doesn't know botany.

Albert Dunne killed his own father in collaboration with Hamish. Citing years of humiliation, and a deep frustration at his father's dissuading him from joining the Navy. He was the one who locked the door of the Colonial Collection room directly after Hamish released the caterpillars. He did not hesitate to sacrifice Hamish to try to cover himself. You have concluded that Albert is a cold- blooded murderer who should be placed behind bars.

Absolve Albert Dunne:    At Baker Street, Holmes says that they will report that Hamish worked alone.

Albert Dunne was humiliated by his father, who crushed the dreams he had of entering the Navy. He was the one who locked the door of the Colonial Collection room directly after Hamish released the caterpillars. The murder planned with Hamish was a desperate act to free himself from the tyranny. Now he can go free, but he must live with his conscience.

Replay moral choice.

Miss White is the accomplice:

Albert is not an accomplice.

Martyn's timeline + White's timeline = White had time.

Miss White had twenty minutes; it would have been enough to trap Montague Dunne. She could have locked the door and alerted Martyn Hamish to activate the ventilation system

Conclusion:     White is an accomplice.

Margaret White was Martyn Hamish's accomplice in killing Montague Dunne. Her professional ambition and personal situation had been damaged by the break-up with Dunne.

Moral decision :    Arrest Miss White, be treated by a doctor or decide later.

Endings:    Replay moral choice to see other endings.

Condemn Miss White:    At the Divine Syndicate grounds, Holmes waits for Miss White. He asks Watson to wait behind Miss White. Miss White holds a bottle of poison. Try to prevent her suicide.

Miss White is a dangerous woman, very capable of carrying out an elaborate murder. When she realised that she was unable to make any further monetary gain from Montague Dunne, she advanced her affections to Albert, his son. She was the one who locked the door of the Colonial Collection room directly after Hamish released the caterpillars, and then pushed Martyn Hamish to his suicide only to cover herself. She got what she deserved.

Absolve Miss White:    At the Divine Syndicate grounds, Holmes waits for Miss White. He asks Watson to wait behind Miss White. Miss White holds a bottle of poison. Try to prevent her suicide.

Miss White is a desperate woman, a victim of society. When Dunne cast her aside, her life stopped; she killed him in pure desperation with the help of Martyn Hamish - she was the one who locked the door of the Colonial Collection room directly after Hamish released the caterpillars. She did not deserve such a terrible fate.

Replay moral choice.

Prevent suicide:    You can stop the suicide by taking the poison away from Miss White.

A "W" is seen on the screen. Immediately press the W key before the white line makes a complete circle.

Press the W key whenever it appears. Holmes moves forward towards Miss White.

When the blue circle appears; move it on her hand with the poison and then immediately click to get Watson to slap the bottle away.

Achievement obtained: Suicide is Not an Option! Prevent Miss White from suicide.


See the summary of the case.

Clues found:    22

Conclusion and moral choice done are shown.

Use the space bar to see if the clues are all found.

Selection for replay case and replay moral choice are seen.

Accept decision?

Note - Choose any of the moral choice to see different ending for this conclusion.

After seeing the ending of this moral choice - click on "replay moral choice" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision until you are sure. This will exit the game.

Achievement obtained: A Deadly Flower. Finish Kew Gardens case.


Holmes notifies Watson that they are invited to annual dinner hosted by the Baker Street Irregulars. Watson is appalled by the menu.

Mrs. Hudson opens the door for Wiggins.

Wiggin's brother Leighton is in jail for killing 2 men. He is in Scotland Yard now. Wiggins asks Holmes' help because the coppers will not look further for the real murderer.

Previous case - The Kew Garden Drama:

Open the casebook.

Chronicle:    If you finished the case, see the personality ranking. It depends on your moral choice. The conclusion and moral choice done are seen.

Trophy:    Deadly plant from Kew Gardens.

Echoes - messages:    The messages seen here depend on the moral choices and conclusions selected that closed the previous cases.

Check to see if there is mail on the mantle of the fireplace.

If Albert Dunne is condemned; get a letter from Mrs. Barbara Dunne.
Mr. Holmes, No matter how famous a detective you may be, I must warn you - you have made a mistake in arresting my only and beloved son, Albert! And for what? For the murder of my husband! Everyone knows that he died of a heart attack. What is this fairy tale you have invented, of a poisonous plant? Are you insane? You have no idea of my influence! I will crush you! Mrs. Barbara Dunne.

If Albert Dunne is absolved; get a letter from Miss White.
Dear Mr. Holmes, I am writing to you in admiration of your deductive talents!  You quite brilliantly uncovered the truth behind the terrible murder that took place here at Kew Gardens. I cannot believe that it was Mr. Hamish� it is so terrible to realise we were working with a murderer! Nevertheless, despite how sinister this place has become, we are managing it together with Albert, and I am now able to continue my studies. Thank you so much for your remarkable work. Yours sincerely, Margaret White.

If Margaret White is absolved; get a letter from Albert Dunne.
Dear Mr. Holmes, I am writing to express my appreciation for your striking at the truth of this horrible case. At first, I could not even imagine how Miss Margaret White, such an exceptional and beautiful woman, could plan and commit such a dreadful murder with that fellow Hamish. How angry I was! But when I attempted to put myself in her shoes, I began to understand. As talented and beautiful a lady as Miss White was, she evidently could not complete her studies without money � while my father was living his high life, deficient in human sympathy. Thank you for your kindness towards her. She is no longer here, and already I miss her. Yours sincerely, Albert Dunne.

If Margaret White is condemned; read the newspaper account.
Sensation! An exotic method of murder - The arsenal of our present-day criminals may soon be refilled with poisonous plants! A young and beautiful woman, in collaboration with her colleague at Kew Gardens, planned the terrible murder of their director, Mr. Montague Dunne. Only one detective was capable of uncovering the truth behind a tragedy that was initially believed to be a simple heart attack. That detective's name is Sherlock Holmes.

Interrogate Leighton and examine his belongings at Scotland Yard:

Go to Scotland Yard. Talk to Inspector Lestrade about Leighton Chapman. It is night and Lestrade is surprised to see Holmes.

Leighton was arrested with a revolver in his possession.

Exit Lestrade's office. Go right and enter the evidence room at far left of the hallway.

Murder weapon:    Examine Leighton's belongings on the tray. Examine the Webley revolver on the tray.

Examine the cylinder. The shells were not removed from the cylinder.

Rotate the revolver and look at it from top view.

Open the barrel catch. 2 empty shells out of 6 are seen. There were 2 shots fired.

Leighton was holding a revolver with two fired cartridges when he was caught after the crime in Half Moon Street.

Examine the rolled cigarettes and the watch.

Leighton Chapman had nothing of any value in his possession when he was caught by the police directly after the crime.

Talk to Leighton:    Exit the room and go to the jail cell at end of the hallway. Leighton is brought to the interrogation room.

Talk to Leighton Chapman. Leighton became forthcoming upon learning that it is Sherlock Holmes, his brother's friend.

Click on "story".

Leighton says that he entered Half Moon Street bumping into a constable. He saw 2 people lying on the ground and a third person leaning on the body farthest from him. The man dashed away and escaped through Whitechapel Street upon seeing Leighton.

Leighton checked the first body. Blood was pumping out of the stomach. The other was shot in the forehead dead. The second man had a gun in his hand and Leighton took it.

Leighton turned the corner and was momentarily blinded by a flash. Then he was caught by the police when he run forward half blinded.

The silhouette of the third man looks like an average man. Leighton didn't hear the footsteps of the man as he was running away.

Leighton Chapman stated that he saw a person leaning over a dead body just as he entered the scene. Leighton took a gun from the body and set off in pursuit of the man, but he was blinded by a flash of bright light.

Click on profile picture.

Profile of Leighton Chapman:

Check his deep facial scar. Leighton has occasional fights and grew up on the streets.

Check his black eye - cheek. He resisted arrest; had recent beating and is hotheaded.

Check his fancy scarf. Leighton has a cushy job as office clerk.

Check his hand lying on table. See the Westgate tattoo. He committed a crime.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Investigate the crime scene and talk to the witnesses at Half Moon Street.

Jump to Half Moon Street.

Enter through the arched alleyway left of Holmes. Turn the corner to see the crime scene.

Constable Marrow:    Constable Marrow greets Holmes and Watson. The constable knows Holmes from the Ripper case.

The victims are Brian Vercotti, a known ruffian and Kenneth Butler, a jeweler. Ryan Turner, Polly Powell and himself are witnesses.

Marrow while standing north side of Half Moon Street., he saw Butler and Vercotti slowly enter the street. Later, the fireworks started. Leighton then entered the street. He heard a woman cry out and police whistles at other side of the street.

He entered the street and saw the 2 bodies. He reached Whitechapel Street and saw Leighton in the hands of the constables.

Marrow did not hear any shots because of the fireworks.

He had a lamp that lit the street. Marrow saw Turner's opened window. No one was there and it was dark in the room.

Constable Marrow paid attention to Mr. Turner's window while he was running past the dead bodies. He did not observe anyone next to the window - it was dark there.

Examine the victims:

Brian Vercotti:    Examine the body at right. Look close at the body.

Examine the stomach wound. The bullet hit the stomach.

Examine the hand near the wound. He tried to stop the bleeding; he didn't die instantly.

Examine the other hand. See Westgate prison tattoo. Chapman and Vercotti both has the prison tattoo.

Examine the head. His face is contorted; he suffered before he died.

Kenneth Butler:    Examine the other body.

Press the T key. Take the piece of wood on the crack between the stones. Rotate and examine the piece of wood. It is quite new.

Examine the head. Butler was hit in the head and didn't have a chance.

Examine the left pocket. Examine and take the key.

Brian Vercotti and Kenneth Butler were both found shot in the dark and narrow Half Moon Street, which is located between Great Alie and Whitechapel High Street.

Talk to the other witnesses:

Ryan Turner:    Talk to the elderly man standing by the lit entryway of the flat at the corner.

Ask about his testimony.

Turner was already in bed when the fireworks started. He heard 2 gunshots. He grabbed his lamp and rushed to window. He saw 2 bodies and a man with a gun standing by the closer one.

He didn't see anyone else.

The shots sounded different from each other; the second shot was louder than the first one.

He stayed close to the window until the policemen arrived.

Mr. Turner heard two different, consecutive shots - the second shot was louder than the first.

Mr. Turner stated that he remained near his window until Leighton was caught by the police, who came from the direction of Whitechapel High Street.

Profile of Ryan Turner:

Check the medal on his vest. The medal is from the Crimean War; he is a war veteran.

Check the arm leaning on the wall. Turner requires support because of weak leg and limps.

Check his vest. It is missing buttons.

Read character portrait in the casebook.

Polly Powell:    Go to the other end of the street.

Check the mirror on a cart across the street.

Talk to the flower vendor. Polly saw a man with a gun run out of Half Moon Street. He was covered in blood. She screamed the man was caught by 2 constables.

She is not sure about the gunshots because of the fireworks.

No one else left Half Moon Street.

Leighton Chapman is the only person who was seen entering Half Moon Street after Brian Vercotti and Kenneth Butler. He was seen standing over the dead bodies and escaping the crime scene shortly afterwards.

Leighton Chapman:    Go to Scotland Yard and talk to Leighton.

When asked about why follow the criminal, Leighton said he was just being brave and stupid.

Press the Q key. Select Westgate prisoners as supporting evidence.

Learn that Vercotti and Leighton went to prison for street robbery when they were young. In prison, they both joined one of the fraternities. They lost contact and continued on with different paths in their life. He heard no news about Vercotti for around 2 years.

Brian Vercotti is an old acquaintance of Leighton Chapman. They were both imprisoned for robbery while still young men, but their paths diverged after their release.


Leighton Chapman committed double murder because of personal motive:

Different shots + Leighton's revolver = Firing position.

Turner could hear the contrast between 2 fired shots, as they were made from different points in Half Moon Street.

Two victims + Leighton's revolver = Double murder.

Butler and Vercotti were victims of double murder carried out by one person.

Lootless + old acquaintance = Personal motive.

The crime by Leighton could have had a personal motive.

Leighton's statements + common statements = Imaginary man.

The person whom Leighton describes in his statement is a figment of his own imagination created to vindicate himself.

Common statement + Leighton's revolver = Compelling evidence.

The witness testimonies and the crime weapon clearly point to one possible culprit: Leighton Chapman.

Conclusion: Double murder because of personal motive.

Leighton Chapman committed double murder at Half Moon Street. An old and mutual enmity between Leighton Chapman and Brian Vercotti was the motive for this crime.

Moral choice: Mr. Holmes, you promised to save him.

Absolve Chapman. Leighton Chapman committed murder with a personal motive. You have decided to imprison him. His sentence will be shortened due to the fact that he is still a young albeit foolish and impressionable man, and his younger brother Wiggins would be left completely alone.

Condemn Chapman. Leighton Chapman is a vicious murderer who killed his old acquaintance over a long-standing grudge. You have decided to severely punish him for his crime by imprisoning him for life.

Continue Investigation.

Task - deduction:

Press B key.

Dark window + Turner's view = Conflicting statements.

Turner's statement that he remained at the window of his flat until the police arrived. This is in conflict with the statement made by Constable Marrow. The Constable said that he didn't see anyone in the window.

Exit deduction and continue the investigation.

Talk to Mr. Turner and check the view from his flat:

Half Moon Street:    Marrow and Turner made conflicting statements. Go back to Half Moon Street.

Marrow and Wiggins:    Wiggins while waiting for Holmes is confronted by Marrow.

Turner:    Talk to Ryan Turner about the contradicting statements.

Press the Q key and select Turner's contradiction as supporting evidence.

Flat:    Holmes is brought to Turner's flat. Look around.

Window:    Open the window. Examine Butler's body and Vercotti's body.

Turner has perfect view of the scene and can definitely see Leighton with Butler's body.

Kitchen table:    Examine the kitchen table with the sharp knife.

Press the T key and see sweepings. Examine the shredded papers in 3 places. The knife was used to cut paper.

Fireplace:    Examine the fireplace. It was tended over an hour ago.

Press the T key and note ashes. Examine the burnt paper.

Examine the page. Rotate to examine the page in the back. The paper was thrown in fire just a short while ago.

Book shelf and walking stick:    Turn right and examine the book shelf at right wall.

Examine the books. The books are in a mess.

Examine the walking stick below the book shelf.

Examine the broken end. It was recently broken.

Attach the broken end and see that the piece of wood taken beside Butler's body fits the end of the walking stick. A perfect match!

Bedroom:    Check Turner's bed.

Reenact the sequence of events from when Turner is awakened by gunshots:

Press the F key. See Turner's silhouettes with possible numbers above them.

Left click to activate the sequence.

Click on a silhouette and number them in consecutive order based on garnered clues and statements. Click again to cycle the numbers.

Click the "got up from bed" silhouette in bedroom and number it 1.

Click the "opened the window and look down" silhouette by window and number it 2.

Go down to the street. Click the "approached the body; took something and broke the stick" silhouette by Butler's body and number it 3.

Go back to the flat. Click the "placed the broken stick and took something" silhouette by book shelves and number it 4.

Click the "cut papers with knife" silhouette by kitchen table and number it 5.

Click the "threw something in fire" silhouette by fireplace and number it 6.

Press the Q key to watch the sequence. Use space bar to redo the sequence if needed.

Find the book Turner used:    Examine the book shelf.

Press the T key and see fat rings on book.

Examine the Moby Dick book. Take the bracelet.

Examine the 2 ram's heads at ends of Greek bracelet.

Turner:    Talk to Mr. Turner.

When asked about the pace of getting to window, press Q key. Select Turner's limp as corroborating evidence.

When asked about whole truth - his statements, press Q key. Select antique bracelet as corroborating evidence.

Investigate the bracelet and find out how it got to Half Moon Street:

Go back to Baker Street.

Encyclopedia Archives:    Go to the wall right of Holmes' bedroom door.

Search for bracelet. Check the Encyclopedia. At Art and Architecture, select Antique Art of British Museum.

Read about the Five Rams of Mytilene. It is a part of the Hellenistic Treasures Collection. There are 5 heads of mountain rams on a bracelet, necklac and a ring - each made of pure gold. The collection has been missing from the museum since 1885. Press E key to enter the info.

The collection of Hellenistic Treasures was stolen from the British Museum in 1885. It has not been found since then and is considered to be lost.

Newspaper Archives:    Go to the archives right of the fireplace.

Use article about antiques. Scroll to 1885.

Read Hellenistic antiques stolen. Learn that the Hellenistic Treasures were stolen while being transported from British Museum to Glasfurd Fine Art Exhibition. Kenneth Butler, a pawn shop owner informed Scotland Yard that a man later named Vincent Foley tried to sell him a collection of artworks. Foley was identified by the driver of the cab that transported the collection. Foley was imprisoned and the lost treasure are still to be found.

Holmes wants to visit Butler's pawn shop.

Pawn Shop:    Jump to Kenneth Butler's pawn shop.

Go forward and around the corner. Examine the pawn shop at right end of street.

Use key to open the lock of the door with key taken from Butler's pocket.

Find interesting items:    Enter and look around.

Look close at shelves at left. Examine the crampons at bottom shelf.

Go behind the counter. Examine the shelves behind the counter.

Examine the flare pistol from bottom shelf.

Find Butler - Vercotti - Five Rams collection connection:    Examine the counter.

Open the left drawer. Take the necklace.

Examine and rotate the necklace. Click on the ram's heads. It belongs to the collection that Butler got from Foley.

Take and read Brian Vercotti's letter. The letter is from Vercotti acting as middleman to sell the Greek jewelry.

The ring is the only part of the collection missing.

Open the right drawer. Examine the accounting book - ledger.

Kenneth Butler took a bracelet and possibly a ring from the ancient jewel set, the Five Rams of Mytilene. He was arranging a deal with Brian Vercotti that was to be discussed at Half Moon Street.


Leighton Chapman committed double murder because of robbery:

Press the B key and do another deduction.

Butler's jewels + Two victims = Burglary Motive.

See the motive changed to robbery.

The search for the missing Hellenistic Treasures could be the motive for the crime that was committed in Half Moon Street. Mr. Turner picked up the bracelet directly after the murder, but the ring is still missing.

Conclusion: Double murder because of robbery.

Leighton Chapman committed a double murder at Half Moon Street. His motive was the theft of ancient and valuable treasures. The last piece of the Five Rams of Mytilene - the ring with the ram head � still remains lost.

Moral choice:

Absolve Chapman. Leighton Chapman committed murder with a burglary motive. You have decided to imprison him. His sentence will be shortened due to the fact that he is still a young albeit foolish and impressionable man, and his younger brother Wiggins would be left completely alone.

Condemn Chapman. Leighton Chapman is a vicious murderer who committed his crime to obtain valuable jewels. You have decided to severely punish him by imprisoning him for life.

Continue Investigation.

Task - deduction:

Open deduction again using the B key.

Open the Firing position (with bicolored cell) conclusion. Select Simultaneous shots clue.

These caused 2 previous conclusion to be red - in error. Reenact shooting at Half Moon Street.

Examine the dead bodies and perform re-enactment:

Go back to Half Moon Street.

See Marrow and Wiggins have another confrontation.

Reenactment:    Press the F key to launch Imagination.

Press the F key and see the silhouette of Vercotti and Butler.

One of the victims fired his gun twice. Find out who:

Vercotti's shot:    Click on Vercotti to select gunman and see him fire his gun twice at Butler.

Go to the wall behind Butler. Examine the wall. Too high.

Take the pole with hook on the wall by Vercotti.

Use pole with lantern on wall. Move the lantern on the wall until automatically pull back and Holmes says - Nothing interesting here. There are no marks on the wall.

Talk to Wiggins.

Butler's shot:    Go back to the bodies. Press F key.

Click on Butler to select gunman and see him fire his gun twice at Vercotti.

Go to the wall behind Vercotti and use pole with lantern. Examine the wall.

See a bullet impact at top right area. There was a third shot fired. (Butler fired twice hitting Vercotti and one on wall. The third shot was fired at Butler.)

A bullet hole found in a wall at Half Moon Street proves the event of a third shot. It was fired simultaneously with one of the known shots, and from a different gun that was not retrieved at the crime scene.

Task - deduction:

Open deduction by pressing the B key.

Third shot + Leighton's statements = Disappearing man.

Leighton's statement about a man in a jacket seems reasonable now that the second weapon that fired the third shot is missing.

Reconstruct Marrow pursuit with lamp:

Talk to Constable Marrow. Holmes will play hide and seek with Marrow.

As Constable Marrow, walk Half Moon Street and look for Holmes hiding in the dark. This will be done 3 times.

- Find Holmes hiding at very dark end of the first alley pass the alley where the bodies are on the ground. I can see you very well, Mr. Holmes!

- Find Holmes in a recess on left wall of the first alley before turning to where the bodies are located. Here you are Mr. Holmes!

- Turn the corner by Turner's doorway and find Holmes standing behind the broken crates on left wall. It wasn't difficult to find you at all!

No-one could hide in the shadows of Half Moon, as a single run through this narrow street with a lamp would reveal its every corner.

Task - deduction:

Open deduction by pressing the B key.

Corners in sight + Leighton's statements = Up the walls.

If we can assume that there was one more person in Half Moon Street at the time of the crime, then there was no way forward or back for his escape � only up.

Let us re-enact the action - recreate the fireworks described by Leighton and attempt to climb the wall.

Find the flare gun to emulate the fireworks flashlights and tools for climbing the wall:

Pawn Shop:    Jump to Kenneth Butler's pawn shop.

Go forward and around the corner. Enter the pawn shop at right end of street.

Get the interesting items.

Take the crampons and ice axe from the bottom shelf at left upon entering.

Take the flare gun from the shelf behind the counter.

Reconstruct blinding reflection; hide from witnesses and escape Half Moon Street.

Imitate the fireworks and determine the method of escape:

Go back to Half Moon Street.

Constable Marrow and Wiggins are at it again.

Talk to Constable Marrow about the disappearance from street.

Holmes will stand at end of street and wait for Marrow and Watson to come and then fire the flare gun. Catch me if you can!

Find the best place to hide    Press the F key to start the reconstruction.

See 3 silhouettes of men climbing the walls. Click on the nearest man on the right or on the right wall. Holmes approves the site to climb the walls on.

Climb the walls:    See that Holmes climbed the wall using the crampons.

Follow the directions seen on the screen. Immediately press the key stated (either D or A key) then release.

Then continuously click on left mouse key until the outer white circle becomes smaller and merges with the red circle at center.

Continue until Holmes climbs the wall to the top and Watson looks for him.

Watson and Marrow could not see Holmes.

Holmes says the mystery man did not use crampons or tools to climb the wall.

Follow the trace of the criminal and inspect the attic of the building:

Find the escape route:    Marrow shows Holmes the door that accesses the top of the building.

Enter the building. Automatically be at the attic of the building.

Go to the broken window at far left.

Examine the glass shards on the floor.

Examine the broken window. Examine the broken window in close up. It is wide enough to allow entry for a man Holmes' size.

Examine the pocket of the torn jacket hooked under the broken window. It is empty.

Press the T key. The jacket is shabby. Take the black threads on the torn jacket.

A thick black hair found on the torn jacket. This jacket belonged to a man who nimbly escaped from the crime scene.

Examine the broken window in close-up.

Holmes concluded that this is the escape area.

The man whom Leighton Chapman saw managed to hide from other witnesses and escape Half Moon Street by climbing the wall of a building and entering its attic.

Examine the black threads found on the torn jacket:

Jump to Baker Street. Go to Holmes' analysis table.

Examine the thread:    Examine the black thread on the stand.

Focus the lens using the middle scroll key. Examine the black threads again. It is not a thread but hair and it is not human.

Holmes asks Watson for his horse hair brush.

Ouch! Holmes takes a sample of Watson's hair.

Examine the 3 hairs: horse hair, human hair and unknown hair. The unknown hair is from an animal larger than a horse.


Press B key.

Leighton is innocent:

Third shot + Two victims = Crossfire.

Kenneth Butler and Brian Vercotti died as a result of crossfire, with each of them holding a gun. One of the gun is now missing.

Open the firing position cell and change the conclusion. Different shots + Leighton's revolver = Simultaneous shots

Turner could hear the contrast between 2 fired shots because 3 shots were made. Two guns fired simultaneously, while a third single shot was fired directly afterwards.

Wall climber + Leighton's statements = Leighton's innocence.

Leighton Chapman's statement about a man in a jacket who participated in the shooting was proven to be true.

Two victims + Butler's jewels = Burglary motive.

The search for the Hellenistic Treasures could be the motive for the crime. Mr. Turner picked up the bracelet after the murder, but the ring is still missing.

Wall climber + Exotic animal hair = Circus acrobat. (This removes the imaginary man conclusion.)

The man who vanished from Half Moon Street could be a circus acrobat; as he managed to scale a 30 foot high wall in a matter of seconds. A hair from a big exotic animal was found in his discarded jacket.

Task - deduction:

Circus acrobat + simultaneous shots + burglary motive + crossfire + Leighton's innocence = Vanishing act.

The person who was seen only by Leighton Chapman, escaped the crime scene by climbing the wall - he was a skilful acrobat. The criminal took a gun from one of the dead bodies.

Request Wiggins' assistance in locating the right circus:

Pet Toby by the window. LOL.

Achievement obtained: Dog-fancier.  Interact with Toby in every case.

Wiggins:    Go to the window and call Wiggins. He's not here; he is at Half Moon Street.

Jump to Half Moon Street. Marrow tells Wiggins to go home.

Talk to Wiggins standing at the corner. Holmes asks Wiggins to look for a circus that has large animals.

The next morning, Wiggins reports to Holmes. He shows a circus poster featuring The Marvelous Dancing Elephant.

Examine the picture of the elephant and the name Duval Bros Circus. Holmes says that is just what they are looking for.

Disguise yourself to enter the circus:

Duval Bros. Circus:    Travel to the circus.

Holmes is prevented from entering the compound by the circus guard. Holmes inquires about looking for new people.

Learn that they are looking for artistic lockpicker. Holmes does not look like one of those.

Baker Street:    Go back to Baker Street by clicking on the gates behind Holmes and be at the map.

Go to Holmes' bedroom and open the wardrobe.

Select an appropriate outfit for an artistic lockpicker. I selected the bandit outfit with shabby cap and facial hair but no glasses.

If appropriate, Watson will not recognize Holmes.

Duval Bros. Circus:    Travel to the circus.

Talk to the guard. Holmes-Nigel is now allowed to talk to the boss Charles Foley.

Explore the circus and become acquainted with Charles Foley:

Barrels:    Climb the stairs and enter the main building. Open the door.

See and over hear a man Simon Beckett check wet barrels. He told Charles Foley that they will pick up the supplies at midnight.

They leave the main tent.

Examine the barrels.

Examine the crack at bottom of the front barrel.

Examine the paint on top. There is a spot that is intentionally painted out.

Press T key. See a crest on top of the barrel. It is that of The Honorable Artillery Company. It could be gunpowder.

Hit the crack at bottom of the barrel. Black powder pours out. Holmes confirms that it is gunpowder.

Check the other barrels and note that they are arranged in clusters; like brought here in a hurry.

Printing press:   Examine the printing press at right side of the exit to back of tent.

Examine the poster on the press. Examine the picture of a contemporary man wearing a Robin Hood hat and then the slogan - Rise Up! And keep rising! From Lambs into Lions!

Holmes takes a copy of the rebellious poster.

Examine blank papers from the pile on the ground.

Holmes deduces that the Merry Men are planning some sabotage based on the gunpowder and poster.

Charles Foley:    Foley comes in and questions Holmes.

Talk to Charles Foley. Foley asks Holmes to open the lock near the chains on the table.

Portrait of Charles Foley:

Check the key on the necklace. It is a complex key in a protected place.

Check the bandaged bleeding wound on arm. It is a recent trauma.

Check the gun tucked on the belt. Foley is a cutthroat armed with the Bulldog revolver.

Check the ring on his hand. The ring has the ram's head and part of the stolen Five Rams of Mytilene.

Check the tapes on the other hand. Taped hand shows agility and is a practiced acrobat.

Charles Foley has a valuable antique ram head ring upon his finger. It is the last piece of the missing Five Rams of Mytilene jewel set.

Charles Foley is wearing a Bulldog revolver beneath his belt.


Foley's revolver + antique ring = Man in jacket.

Charles Foley wears an antique ring - the last missing piece of the Five Rams of Mytilene jewel set - and also a revolver retained under his belt. It proves that Charles Foley is our mysterious jacketed man who nimbly escaped the crime scene at Half Moon Street.

Open the lock lying in the circus marquee:

Examine the lock:    Go to table by the barrels and examine the lock. Review the guide for lock puzzles at top of page.

There are 4 holes at top layers and a 5th opening on inside layer.

Check all openings and align the lines. Start with the large openings and check for lines.

There is a skip button.

Talk to Charles Foley and gain his confidence:

Talk to Foley. Holmes' new alias is Nigel Shirley from York.

Foley asks how Holmes hear about him. Press Q key. Select Jailed thief.

Holmes tells Foley that he met his brother Vincent - The Butcher in prison and he told Holmes all about his betrayal.

Foley said that his brother died in jail seven days ago and the traitor paid blood price for it. He, Billy and Jack will wait for Holmes at midnight near the abandoned house. Holmes will share the loot.

Find and examine the secret lock at Notting Hill Manor:

Go to Notting Hill Manor.

Unlock the manor door:    Review the lock puzzle guide at top of walkthrough page.

There are 4 square openings on top layer and 3 at inside layers. There are 4 layers with the top one split into 2 to be inserted.

The top layer has to be correctly inserted together. Check the lines (there are 2 possible insertion points).

There is a skip button.

Find the safe:    Go right to the living room.

Examine the messy bookcase right of the fireplace and the fallen books on the floor. This cupboard can be moved.

Move the bookcase and see the safe behind it.

Unlock the safe:    Review the lock puzzle guide at top of walkthrough page.

There are 5 square openings on top layer and 2 at inside layers. There are 3 layers with the top one split into 2. It does NOT need to be inserted together.

There are extra lines on the edges of the last 2 layers which might throw you off.

See that there is another lock behind the opened lock. This one needs a key. The key on Foley's necklace.

Set the traps for the thieves at Notting Hill Manor:

Window upstairs:    Go back to the front door and climb the stairs.

Examine the window. See the possible escape route. See a reenactment of possible escape through window. Press F key if you want to see a replay. Toggle the F key to stop replay.

Examine and take the bead necklace on the table behind Holmes.

Examine the top of the stair. Drop bead necklace on top of stair.

Press F key to see a possible happening.

Window in hallway by stairs: Go down to the entryway at left by front door.

Examine the window at end of hall. See a reenactment of possible escape through window. Press F key if you want to see a replay. Toggle the F key to stop replay.

Turn left and examine the cupboard that is covered by cloth. It is a heavy cupboard.

Move the cupboard to block the window.

Replay by pressing F key again and see what might happen.

See that after seeing the window blocked, the thief enters the kitchen and out the door.

Hatch on kitchen floor:    Look down on the floor of the kitchen. Examine the hatch on the floor.

Open the hatch. There is no ladder down to the cellar.

Press F key and see the thief jump over the hole on the floor.

Go back to the living room via open door at left.

Examine and take the carpet right of the moved bookcase and a chair.

Go back to the open hatch-hole on floor. Cover it with the carpet.

Press F key to see the possible happening.

Block the kitchen:   Go to the kitchen and check the back door.

See possible escape route using the living room, kitchen and out the back door.

Take the chair from the corner and under the window in the kitchen.

Examine the kitchen door and then the door handle. Block the door handle with chair.

Press F key to see possible event. See the thief might destroy the connecting door with a sledgehammer to exit.

Block the living room:  Examine the stove in kitchen. Take the rope.

Go around through hallway and then to living room.

Press F key again and see that the thief uses the sledgehammer to open the blocked door.

Examine the fallen chandelier. Attach the rope on the chandelier.

Examine the sledgehammer beside the chandelier and tie-press rope.

Hang the chandelier.

Press F key to see what might happen to the thief that uses the living room to escape.

The traps are all prepared now.

Catch the thieves:

Watch the arrival and subsequent trapping of the thieves. Holmes says that Watson caught all 3 thieves. LOL.

Meet Mycroft. Mycroft tried to use Sherlock to catch the Merry Men.

Holmes explains about the theft of the Hellenistic Treasures.

Open the safe using Foley's key. See the stolen Hellenistic Treasures. Mycroft is not happy.

The famous collection of Hellenistic Treasures that was considered to be lost, was found in the safe of the abandoned manor at Notting Hill.

Achievement obtained: Haunted House. Catch the thieves at Notting Hill Manor.


Press B key to start the deduction.

Foley's vengeance:

Precious safe + Long lost artifact = Hidden art.

The antiques discovered inside the hidden safe of the abandoned manor at Notting Hill represent the collection of Hellenistic Treasures that were stolen in 1885 and considered to be lost.

Burglary motive + Leighton's innocence + Crossfire + Simultaneous shot + Circus acrobat = Vanishing act.

Vanishing act (man in jacket) + Hidden Art = Foley's Vengeance.

Conclusion: Foley's vengeance.

Charles Foley organised the theft of the "Hellenistic Treasures", which was related to the double murder at Half Moon Street. Leighton Chapman was a witness to the crime.

Moral Choices:

Note - Choose one of the moral choices to see an ending for this conclusion.

Confirm moral choice.

After seeing what happened after this moral choice - click on "replay ending" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision.

Absolve Foley. No doubt Charles Foley will be imprisoned - he organised the theft of ancient treasures that rightfully belonged to the British Museum. In fact, his band was hired by the Merry Men, who planned a revolution in London. But he did not directly commit the murder at Half Moon Street. You have decided that under such circumstances, his sentence can be shortened.

Holmes explains Foley's part in the double murder at Half Moon Alley.

Condemn Foley. Charles Foley organised and executed a wicked plan of revenge for his elder brother. It took two human lives and almost resulted in life imprisonment for an innocent man. In fact, his band was hired by the Merry Men, who planned a revolution in London. In addition, he organised the theft of ancient and valuable treasures that rightfully belonged to the British Museum. He deserves the rope.

Continue investigation.

The Merry Men:

Holmes tells Watson that he has unfinished business to do.

Circus tent:    See the Merry Men arrive. They see Holmes perched on a table smoking a cigarette.

Below Holmes is poured gunpowder that leads to the barrels.

Simon Beckett expounds his cause, the tyranny of the titled and problems of the working men. They plan to bomb the London Stock Exchange; to destroy the property papers. They want chaos and inform the working people that they are free.

Throw the cigarette to light the gunpowder trail. Run! Now!

Mycroft:    At Baker Street, Mycroft discusses Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky, deep love and justice with Sherlock. Hmm...

We serve the truth, not justice.

Watson informs Sherlock that Mrs. Hudson tells him that the new Lady neighbor wants to store her boxes in the empty spare room.


See the summary of the case.

Clues found:    18

Conclusion and moral choice selected are shown.

Use the space bar to see if the clues are all found.

Selection for replay ending are seen.

Accept decision?

Note - After seeing the ending of this moral choice - click on "replay ending" to see another ending.

Do NOT accept this decision until you are sure. This will exit the game. Use a saved game if necessary.

After the credits:

Sherlock Holmes sits by the fire and contemplates.

Case:     Open the casebook.

Chronicle:    If you finished the case, see the personality ranking. It depends on your moral choice. The conclusion and moral choice done are seen.

Trophy:    The Merry Men poster.

Achievement obtained: Guilty Brotherhood. Finish Half Moon case.

Achievement obtained: Their Crimes, Your Punishments. Complete the game.

Achievement obtained: I Never Guess. Reach 6 correct conclusions for all 6 cases

Achievement obtained: I Never Fail. Finish 10 Dialogue without a failure.

Achievement obtained: A Complex Mind. Reach all possible conclusions in the game.

Achievement obtained: An Omnivorous Reader. Receive 3 messages from those whom you condemned or absolved.

Achievement obtained: Keen Observer. Finish 15 Character Observations without skipping

Achievement obtained: A Methodical Man. Gather 26 Character Portraits.

Achievement obtained: Child's Play! Finish 25 mini games and puzzles without skipping.

Achievement obtained: Elementary! Finish 35 mini games and puzzles without skipping.

Achievement obtained: My Grey Matters. Finish 45 mini games and puzzles without skipping.

Achievement obtained: A Man of Character. Receive maximum personality ranking.

Achievement obtained: Perfectionist. Collect all possible in-game achievements.

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Copyright � 09/2014 MaGtRo

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Better Homes And Gardens Leighton Platform Bed


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